
July 2021

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Can the Taliban Play China and Russia Off the United States?

Can the Taliban Play China and Russia Off the United States?

By Catherine Putz
The consensus is that negotiation is the only way out of the conflict for Afghanistan, but that only holds true if the international community is united. It’s not.
In Vietnam, Civil Society Is Picking up the Slack Where Authorities Struggle

In Vietnam, Civil Society Is Picking up the Slack Where Authorities Struggle

By Luke Hunt
Ho Chi Minh City residents say self-help is key to surviving the pandemic.

Mongolia Seizes the Diplomatic Moment

Mongolia Seizes the Diplomatic Moment

By Shannon Tiezzi
In the space of just five days, Mongolian officials have held high-level talks with China, Japan, South Korea, and the United States

Emergency Fighters and National Resilience

Emergency Fighters and National Resilience

By Jacob Parakilas
Complex, expensive high-end military hardware might prove impossible to replace quickly enough during a major conventional war. It's time to revisit the idea of building simpler, cheaper emergency replacements.

Moon Jae-in’s Stalled Odyssey to Peace in Korea

Moon Jae-in’s Stalled Odyssey to Peace in Korea

By Chung-in Moon
President Moon’s Korea Peace Initiative has faced mixed results and daunting challenges, but there are no better options.
In Exporting Problems, Australia Risks Damaging Ties With New Zealand

In Exporting Problems, Australia Risks Damaging Ties With New Zealand

By Grant Wyeth
With deportations, Australia is demonstrating a knee-jerk self-interest, divorced from the wider realities of the Australia-New Zealand relationship. 

Nepal’s Cautious Approach to the Tibetan Question

Nepal’s Cautious Approach to the Tibetan Question

By Arun Budhathoki and Bindesh Dahal
The presence of Tibetan refugees on its soil makes Nepal vulnerable to Chinese pressure.
South Asia’s Cultural Climate Is at Risk. What Can the US Do?

South Asia’s Cultural Climate Is at Risk. What Can the US Do?

By Knox Thames
Encouraging South Asian nations to protect their historic multiculturalism will help reduce human rights violations, protect religious and ethnic minorities, and promote peace and stability.

China’s Growing Ties With Indonesian Provinces

China’s Growing Ties With Indonesian Provinces

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
Getting close to Indonesian provinces is a key goal of Chinese diplomacy and crucial for the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Remaking the South Korea-US Alliance

Remaking the South Korea-US Alliance

By Sukjoon Yoon
The threat from North Korea (and beyond) has changed. The ROK-U.S. alliance must change as well to keep pace.

Adriana Elisabeth on the Conflict in West Papua

Adriana Elisabeth on the Conflict in West Papua

By Sebastian Strangio
Dr. Adriana Elisabeth on the roots of the conflict in Papua, the Indonesian government’s response to a recent uptick in insurgent activity, and what it will take to resolve the decades-long crisis.
The Legacy of the South China Sea Arbitral Tribunal Ruling, Five Years On

The Legacy of the South China Sea Arbitral Tribunal Ruling, Five Years On

By Ankit Panda
What is the legacy of the landmark 2016 ruling by the Hague-based arbitral tribunal?

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