
February 2022

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China Steps Up Activity Along Himalayan Borders as Land Border Law Comes Into Effect

China Steps Up Activity Along Himalayan Borders as Land Border Law Comes Into Effect

By Liam Gibson
The new law is a tool for Beijing to further expand its sovereignty into its neighbors’ domains.
Lawyers Urge ICJ to Continue with Rohingya Genocide Case

Lawyers Urge ICJ to Continue with Rohingya Genocide Case

By Sebastian Strangio
One lawyer for The Gambia urged the court to “reject Myanmar’s meritless preliminary objections" and proceed to the case.

The Challenges of Repatriating Malaysian IS Fighters from Syria

The Challenges of Repatriating Malaysian IS Fighters from Syria

By Rueben Dass and Jasminder Singh
At least 122 Malaysians traveled to Syria and Iraq to take up arms for the Islamic State.

Thailand Further Eases International Entry Restrictions, Despite Omicron Outbreaks

Thailand Further Eases International Entry Restrictions, Despite Omicron Outbreaks

By Sebastian Strangio
Despite surging daily caseloads, the government is hoping to smooth the way for a return of international visitors.

Grumbling Grows as Hong Kong Sticks with Zero-COVID Policy

Grumbling Grows as Hong Kong Sticks with Zero-COVID Policy

By Alice Fung and David Rising
“The whole world knows we have to live with the virus, only the Hong Kong government does not know,” said taxi driver Chan Tai-man. 
Uzbekistan Seeks Information On Citizens Still Detained After Kazakhstan’s January Unrest

Uzbekistan Seeks Information On Citizens Still Detained After Kazakhstan’s January Unrest

By Catherine Putz
Uzbekistan sent a second note to Kazakhstan about the Uzbek citizens who remain in detention after having been rounded up during the January unrest.

Rape and Silence in Kashmir’s Jihad

Rape and Silence in Kashmir’s Jihad

By Siddharthya Roy, Ojaswin Kathuria, and Sayan Ghosh
Kashmiri women drop the veil on years of systematic rape and abuse by Islamist militants in the Kashmir Valley.
Imran Khan in Russia and Washington’s Intellectual Crisis

Imran Khan in Russia and Washington’s Intellectual Crisis

By Hussain Nadim
Prime Minister Khan’s visit to Russia may or may not be a good idea but the critique of the American intellectual elite reflects a deep-rooted colonial mindset.

Amid Ukraine Crisis, Japan Toughens Stance on Russia

Amid Ukraine Crisis, Japan Toughens Stance on Russia

By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s sanctions on Russia could spell the end of previous efforts to resolve the long-standing territorial dispute. 

Is Australia’s New Antarctica Funding Boost All About Countering China?

Is Australia’s New Antarctica Funding Boost All About Countering China?

By Nengye Liu
The Morrison government appears to have settled on an approach to Antarctica that shores up Australian interests without directly mirroring China's moves.

North Korea Is Irrelevant Again

North Korea Is Irrelevant Again

By Denny Roy
Continued missile testing by North Korea will not compel Seoul, Tokyo, or Washington to seek the negotiations Pyongyang could use to address its needs.
Xuzhou’s Chained Woman Highlights China’s Human Trafficking Problem

Xuzhou’s Chained Woman Highlights China’s Human Trafficking Problem

By Chauncey Jung
China’s failure to combat human trafficking is damaging its image amid the country's birth rate struggles.

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