
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and India’s Complex Strategic Circumstances

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Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and India’s Complex Strategic Circumstances

In the two weeks since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, India’s strategic situation has become even more complicated.

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and India’s Complex Strategic Circumstances
Credit: Depositphotos

The Russian invasion of Ukraine began more than two weeks ago. While Europe has felt the direct impact of the crisis on its borders, with hundreds of thousands of refugees pouring in every day, India, like many other countries in the Indo-Pacific has also been indirectly affected. Irrespective of how India has positioned itself, the Ukraine crisis will have important implications.

The Indian reaction to the invasion of Ukraine is more nuanced than its 2014 response to the annexation of Crimea. Dr. C. Raja Mohan, one of India’s foremost strategic analysts, is clear in stating that “Delhi can’t forever view this critical region [Central Europe] through the prism of Russia’s conflict with the West. It must come to terms with its growing strategic significance,” while respecting the region’s “salience [and] independence.” 

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