
July 13, 2022

Kazakhstan Oil Exporters Relieved as Russian Court Lifts Ban on Pipeline  

Kazakhstan Oil Exporters Relieved as Russian Court Lifts Ban on Pipeline  

By Paolo Sorbello
Most of Kazakhstan’s oil exports go through the Caspian Pipeline Consortium, which has been targeted by Russian courts. 

Abe Shinzo: A Pivotal Chapter in India-Japan Relations

Abe Shinzo: A Pivotal Chapter in India-Japan Relations

By Titli Basu
India lost its most ardent advocate in Japan.
Will Tariff Reductions Help China-US Relations?

Will Tariff Reductions Help China-US Relations?

By Zhu Xinrong and Dingding Chen
It's too little, too late. The China-U.S. trade conflict will endure for a long time.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa Flees Sri Lanka

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa Flees Sri Lanka

By Krishan Francis and Krutika Pathi
Public ire turns against Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, who has been appointed acting president.

Chinese FM Pledges Progress on South China Sea Code of Conduct

Chinese FM Pledges Progress on South China Sea Code of Conduct

By Sebastian Strangio
In Malaysia, the last stop on his five-nation tour of Southeast Asia, Wang Yi said that "no one can separate" China and the nations of Southeast Asia.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Who Gets to Speak for Migrant Workers in Singapore?

Who Gets to Speak for Migrant Workers in Singapore?

By Robin Vochelet
Last month, the city-state canceled the work permit of a Bangladeshi laborer who had become an outspoken advocate of Singapore's migrant worker population.

What the Roe Reversal Means for Abortion Rights in Vietnam

What the Roe Reversal Means for Abortion Rights in Vietnam

By Le Dong Hai Nguyen
Given the country’s social conservatism and a shifting Overton window, it is more likely now than ever that the Vietnamese government will take a more restrictive stance on abortion.
Thailand’s Vanishing Regional Leadership

Thailand’s Vanishing Regional Leadership

By Tita Sanglee
During the Cold War, the country played a central role in regional diplomacy, but in recent years its activism has waned.

ICJ to Rule on Myanmar’s Objections in Rohingya Genocide Case

ICJ to Rule on Myanmar’s Objections in Rohingya Genocide Case

By Sebastian Strangio
Myanmar's preliminary objections were filed just prior to the military's seizure of power in February 2021.

Great Power Conflict Fuels BRICS Expansion Push

Great Power Conflict Fuels BRICS Expansion Push

By Nian Peng
Amid China-U.S. tensions, the impetus to build a bigger BRICS has grown stronger than ever.

How Did Abe Shinzo Become an Unlikely Subject of Collective Grief in China?

How Did Abe Shinzo Become an Unlikely Subject of Collective Grief in China?

By Ni Tao
The late Japanese prime minister was not popular in China, but some have used his death to emphasize their frustration at being unable to speak freely.
The Politics Behind Who is Attending the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting

The Politics Behind Who is Attending the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting

By Patricia O’Brien
Dialogue partners were disinvited from the PIF meeting this week as the organization wrestles with internal divisions. But U.S. Vice President Harris got to speak virtually to the forum anyway.

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