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Sindang Murder Underscores South Korea’s Weak Protections for Women

Sindang Murder Underscores South Korea’s Weak Protections for Women

By Mai Anna Pressley
Repeated murders prove that South Korea needs a stronger legal system to combat stalking and other gender-based crimes.
The China Factor in Taiwan’s Midterms

The China Factor in Taiwan’s Midterms

By Brian Hioe and Lev Nachman
Will China’s military threats impact Taiwan’s upcoming local elections?

60 Years After the Sino-Indian War

60 Years After the Sino-Indian War

By Sushant Singh
The lingering standoff that began in 2020 reveals how little progress has been made on the border dispute between China and India.

Kyrgyzstan’s Revolutionary President Japarov, 2 Years On

Kyrgyzstan’s Revolutionary President Japarov, 2 Years On

By Asel Doolotkeldieva
Kyrgyzstan’s President Sadyr Japarov is providing much of the same old authoritarianism in new populist clothes.

Terrorists in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan

Terrorists in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan

By Jonathan Schroden
Afghanistan remains a simmering cauldron of jihadist terrorist groups, various actors seeking to counter them, and conflict and cooperation among the groups themselves.
Ronald Mendoza on the First 100 Days of Marcos Jr

Ronald Mendoza on the First 100 Days of Marcos Jr

By Shannon Tiezzi
“The broad arc of history signals a continued search for balance of power and palpable development results in Philippine democracy.”

Forging the ‘New Era’: The Temporal Politics of Xi Jinping

Forging the ‘New Era’: The Temporal Politics of Xi Jinping

By Hugo Jones
The “new era” – connoting a fundamental historical shift – has been systematically fused with the persona of Xi in Chinese official discourse.
The Threats India’s New Aircraft Carrier Will Face

The Threats India’s New Aircraft Carrier Will Face

By Harshit Prajapati
Like all carriers, the Vikrant will be constrained in its operations, particularly by China’s A2/AD systems.

China Is Unnerved by Increasing Attacks on Chinese in Pakistan

China Is Unnerved by Increasing Attacks on Chinese in Pakistan

By Kiyya Baloch
Ethnic separatists have recently launched a series of targeted attacks on Chinese citizens living in Pakistan, with the latest murder happening in Karachi on September 28.

The Sino-Indian Border: The Front Line of the Quad

The Sino-Indian Border: The Front Line of the Quad

By Marcus Andreopoulos
For all the talk of Taiwan contingency, Ladakh is the most likely spot for a war between China and a Quad member.

President Yoon’s Office and Party Threaten South Korean Broadcaster

President Yoon’s Office and Party Threaten South Korean Broadcaster

By Mitch Shin
Days after using “freedom” 21 times in his debut at the U.N. General Assembly, Yoon is now harming the freedom of press in his country. 
Can the Chinese Communist Party Congress Surprise Us?

Can the Chinese Communist Party Congress Surprise Us?

By Bonnie Girard
Surprises are possible at the CCP’s most scripted event – but this year, any hopes for an “October surprise” are wishful thinking.

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