
February 2023

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China Is Banking on Argentina’s Future Glory

China Is Banking on Argentina’s Future Glory

By Leland Lazarus
Chinese scholars view Argentina as a key pillar in Beijing’s engagement with Latin America, but also see some potential pitfalls ahead.
The Invasion of Ukraine Turned Japan’s Russia Policy on Its Head

The Invasion of Ukraine Turned Japan’s Russia Policy on Its Head

By Jio Kamata
From attempts at flattery and concerted diplomacy in 2014, Tokyo has pivoted to sanctions in lockstep with the rest of the G-7.

Nepal’s New Government Faces a Stiff Test

Nepal’s New Government Faces a Stiff Test

By Marcus Andreopoulos
Dahal’s return to power could reset Nepal’s foreign policy – but first he'll have to survive an unstable coalition and disgruntled electorate.

Malaita Premier Daniel Suidani Ousted in Solomon Islands

Malaita Premier Daniel Suidani Ousted in Solomon Islands

By Dechlan Brennan
The opposition politician has been removed by a parliamentary vote of no confidence in the Solomon Islands, resulting in protests and further accusations of Chinese interference.

Uzbekistan’s Transition to a Green Economy: Challenges and Opportunities

Uzbekistan’s Transition to a Green Economy: Challenges and Opportunities

By Paola Agostini , Weijen Leow, and Marco Mantovanelli
Tashkent recognizes the need to enhance its economic transformation with a green approach.
China’s 3 Pathways to Green Steel

China’s 3 Pathways to Green Steel

By Chin Hsueh
China’s steel industry is a crucial part of its decarbonization efforts – and thus the fate of the global fight against climate change. 

For Now, India Has a Limited Appetite for Diplomacy With Pakistan

For Now, India Has a Limited Appetite for Diplomacy With Pakistan

By Siddhant Bajpai
While India would like the current phase of stability at the LoC to continue, it has little incentive to try to make a grand gesture toward peace with Pakistan.
Philippines Eyes South China Sea Patrols With US, Australia

Philippines Eyes South China Sea Patrols With US, Australia

By Jim Gomez and Edna Tarigan
Manila is seeking to shore up defense capabilities in the disputed South China Sea, even as China continues to stress negotiations on a Code of Conduct.

China Continues to Play Both Sides in the Ukraine War

China Continues to Play Both Sides in the Ukraine War

By Shannon Tiezzi
China’s top diplomat toured Europe to try to explain Beijing’s “neutral” position on the conflict – but topped it off with a visit to Russia. 

China’s New Foreign Minister Is on a Diplomatic Blitz

China’s New Foreign Minister Is on a Diplomatic Blitz

By Nathaniel Schochet and Earl Carr
Since taking up his post, Qin Gang has undertaken a flurry of outreach to key partners, especially in phone conversations.

Pakistan Defense Minister in Kabul Over Shut Border Crossing

Pakistan Defense Minister in Kabul Over Shut Border Crossing

By Munir Ahmed and Rahim Faiez
The closure of the Torkham border crossing after an exchange of fire between the two sides has halted trade.
Politics of Claiming Responsibility for Terrorist Attacks in Af-Pak Region

Politics of Claiming Responsibility for Terrorist Attacks in Af-Pak Region

By Abdul Basit
In some attacks, a terror group claims credit and then denies involvement. In others, more than one group claims credit.

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