Asia Geopolitics

Taking Stock of Russia-Central Asia Relations in 2024

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Taking Stock of Russia-Central Asia Relations in 2024

What do Russia and the Central Asian republics stand to gain from each other?

Taking Stock of Russia-Central Asia Relations in 2024
Credit: (Pavel Bednyakov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP, File)

The Diplomat’s Asia Geopolitics podcast hosts Ankit Panda (@nktpnd) and Katie Putz (@LadyPutz) discuss Russia-Central Asia relations after the Crocus City Hall terror attack in March 2024.

Click the play button above to listen. If you’re an iOS or Mac user, you can also subscribe to The Diplomat’s Asia Geopolitics podcast on iTunes here; if you use Windows or Android, you can subscribe on Google Play here, or on Spotify here.

If you like the podcast and have suggestions for content, please leave a review and rating on iTunes and TuneIn. You can contact the host, Ankit Panda, here.