Asia Geopolitics

Duterte in The Hague: The Philippines and the Geopolitics of International Law

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Duterte in The Hague: The Philippines and the Geopolitics of International Law

What does Rodrigo Duterte’s arrest mean for the Philippines and international law?

Duterte in The Hague: The Philippines and the Geopolitics of International Law

A screen grab of the video recorded by former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte while en route to The Hague, Netherlands.

Credit: Facebook/Rody Duterte

The Diplomat’s Asia Geopolitics podcast hosts Ankit Panda (@nktpnd) and Katie Putz (@LadyPutz) discuss former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s arrest on a warrant from the International Criminal Court.

If you’re an iOS or Mac user, you can also subscribe to The Diplomat’s Asia Geopolitics podcast on iTunes here; if you use Windows or Android, you can subscribe on Google Play here, or on Spotify here.

If you like the podcast and have suggestions for content, please leave a review and rating on iTunes and TuneIn. You can contact the host, Ankit Panda, here.

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