
US Approves Sale of Armed Predator-B Drones to India: Report
By Ankit Panda
The Trump administration has agreed to sell India armed unmanned aerial vehicles.

The Case of ZTE and US-China Relations
By Dingding Chen
We might be entering a new era in the economic relationship between China and the United States. ZTE's case shows why.

Play The Diplomat’s Quiz: April 29, 2018 Edition
By Ankit Panda
Test your knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region with The Diplomat's weekly news quiz!

How Far Can Sino-India Joint Economic Cooperation in Afghanistan Go?
By Ankit Panda
At Wuhan, Modi and Xi zeroed in on Afghanistan as a possible point of convergence between their two countries.

Beyond Wuhan: India Should Establish A New Framework for Engagement With China
By Aman Thakker
India should aim to establish a new and broader framework, or modus vivendi, in its engagement with China.

Democracy and Judicial Activism in Pakistan
By Umair Jamal
Is growing judicial activism in Pakistan coming at the expanse of democracy in the country?

Modi and Xi in Wuhan: Bringing Normalcy Back to the India-China Relationship
By Harsh V. Pant
Modi’s visit to China is a welcome first step in resetting relations, but India must remain wary of Chinese intentions.

F-35 Brains in an F-22 Body: Thinking Through Japan's Next-Generation Fighter Options
By Robert Farley
Getting there won't be easy, but an updated F-22 is, in theory, a formidable concept.

Consensus by Deletion: Reviewing the 32nd ASEAN Leaders' Summit and the South China Sea
By Carl Thayer
A close look at the recent summit's chairman's statement shows the grouping's continued subdued treatment of the South China Sea disputes.

G7 Foreign Ministers Issue Communique Addressing East & South China Seas, Connectivity, and More
By Ankit Panda
The statement takes aim at China without mentioning it by name.

Why the Kim-Moon Summit at Panmunjom Matters
By Ankit Panda
The summit between the two Koreas will set the tone for the Trump-Kim summit.

Is the Pakhtun Tahaffuz Movement a Threat to the Pakistani Military's Interests?
By Umair Jamal
The military is taking the grievances of Pakistan's disgruntled Pashtuns seriously.