The Diplomat | Author

Abhijnan Rej
Abhijnan Rej was Security & Defense Editor at The Diplomat and Director of Research at Diplomat Risk Intelligence.
His primary areas of interest are Southern Asian security, Indian defense and foreign policies, emerging technologies and military strategy.
Rej’s work has appeared in The Washington Quarterly, the US Army War College’s online journal War Room, War on the Rocks, the Lowy Institute’s Interpreter, National Interest (online), Global Policy (online), Wired (online), Journal of Physics: A, and Contemporary Mathematics, along with numerous think-tank occasional papers, policy briefs, and book chapters. He was previously Senior Fellow, Strategic Studies, at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi. Rej also has significant work experience as a quantitative researcher in academia and the corporate sector.
He has written for virtually all major Indian English-language media outlets, and has been quoted by the Economist, Reuters, Voice of America, CNBC, The Nation, The Australian, China Global Television Network, and Dawn, among others.
Twitter: @AbhijnanRej

August 23, 2021
COVID-19 Deepening Asia-Pacific Cyber Trends: DRI Report
By Arindrajit Basu, Abhijnan Rej, and Justin Sherman

July 01, 2021
Ashok Desai on the 1991 Economic Reforms in India
By Abhijnan Rej

June 21, 2021
India’s Economy and the Pandemic: Key Risks
By Puja Mehra, Prachi Priya, and Abhijnan Rej

June 08, 2021
Former Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale on the Tiananmen Square Massacre
By Abhijnan Rej

May 26, 2021
Facebook Publishes New Influence Operations Report
By Abhijnan Rej

April 29, 2021
China Launches Core Space Station Module
By Abhijnan Rej

April 28, 2021
US Aids India’s Vaccine Efforts – Cleverly
By Abhijnan Rej

April 13, 2021
French Joint Commander for Asia-Pacific Outlines Paris’ Indo-Pacific Defense Plans
By Abhijnan Rej

April 08, 2021
US Destroyer Carries Out FONOP in Indian EEZ
By Abhijnan Rej

April 06, 2021
United States’ DARPA Announces New ‘Quantum Benchmarking’ Program
By Abhijnan Rej

April 06, 2021
US Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group Back in South China Sea
By Abhijnan Rej