The Diplomat | Author

Ben Lowsen
Ben Lowsen is a Sinologist and military strategist. The views expressed are his own and do not reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Air Force, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.
Ben Lowsen is a specialist in Chinese political and security affairs working as a China advisor for the U.S. Air Force’s Checkmate office. He previously worked as an Asia advisor for the U.S. Navy and served in the U.S. Army as a field artillery officer and China specialist. He completed tours of duty in Germany, Korea, Qatar, the Pentagon, and two tours in China, serving as Assistant U.S. Army Attaché in Beijing from 2013 to 2016.
Ben’s experience includes policy and strategy coordination, military-to-military engagement, intelligence production and analysis, and bilateral negotiation. He is interested in Chinese political and military culture as well as military modernization, reform, and strategy.
He is an active writer and speaker whose publications include book chapters, reportage, and commentary. He received an M.A. from Harvard’s Regional Studies—East Asia committee and a B.A. from U.C. Santa Barbara in music performance. Follow him on Twitter.
The views expressed are his own and do not reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Air Force, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.
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November 06, 2017
US Combatant Commands With Chinese Flare: The PLA’s New Joint Command Structure
By Ben Lowsen and Wilson VornDick
A China specialist and a military strategist discuss The PLA’s emerging command structure.

November 05, 2017
Future Military Conflict in Asia: 3 Wars for the Price of One
By Ben Lowsen
War in one area of Asia is likely to spread to others.

May 18, 2017
China’s Maritime Operation: The 'Gray Zone' in Black and White
By Ben Lowsen
There is no problem in the “gray zone” because the “gray zone” does not exist.

February 17, 2017
Would China Use Nuclear Weapons in a War With Taiwan?
By Ben Lowsen
China insists on "No First Use" of nukes, but the threat remains.

January 28, 2017
The Four Types of China Engager: Which Are You?
By Ben Lowsen
Dragon Slayer, Diplomat, Sinologist, or Panda Hugger, where do you fit in?

September 13, 2016
What Every Chinese Soldier Knows (Part 5): Ancient China’s Military Scientists
By Ben Lowsen
Two military scientists from China’s past and their meaning to the modern PLA.

August 23, 2016
What Every Chinese Soldier Knows (Part 4): Rescue!
By Ben Lowsen
Follow the Chinese Army into danger from the safety of your home.

July 29, 2016
What Every Chinese Soldier Knows (Part 3): Mao’s Generals
By Ben Lowsen
The hallowed halls of the Helmsman’s hardies.

June 22, 2016
Meet the Future PLA Carrier Strike Group: Main Equipment of the Chinese PLA Navy
By Ben Lowsen
Summary of main equipment of the People's Liberation Army Navy.

June 16, 2016
A Comparison of Chinese and American Military Culture
By Ben Lowsen
When East Meets West.

June 15, 2016
The True Crimes of Chinese PLA General Guo Boxiong
By Ben Lowsen
Chinese PLA Gen. Guo Boxiong and colleague Gen. Xu Caihou are most guilty of being politically incorrect.

June 07, 2016
US-China Strategic Nuclear Terminology: A Primer
By Ben Lowsen
Experts discuss the U.S.-China nuclear calculus.