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Derek Grossman

Derek Grossman

Derek Grossman is a senior defense analyst at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation, regular contributor to The Diplomat, and adjunct professor at the University of Southern California.

Derek Grossman formerly served as the daily intelligence briefer to the assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific security affairs at the Pentagon. Follow him on Twitter.

Posts by Derek Grossman
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September 05, 2020

America Is Betting Big on the Second Island Chain

By Derek Grossman
Defense Secretary Esper's recent visits to Palau and Guam highlight the importance of the Second Island Chain to U.S. interests -- and China's growing influence there.
August 05, 2020

What Does Vietnam Think About America’s Indo-Pacific Strategy?

By Derek Grossman
The South China Sea is where the rubber meets the road for U.S.-Vietnam security ties, and in this regard, Hanoi has gone as far as it is comfortable.

July 22, 2020

China Refuses to Quit on the Philippines

By Derek Grossman
China may have missed a golden opportunity to see the VFA end, but Beijing is still determined to exploit gaps between the U.S. and its ally.

July 05, 2020

Chinese Border Aggression Against India Likely Unrelated to Pandemic

By Derek Grossman
The Chinese approach to India represents continuity in behavior.

June 18, 2020

China Just Botched a Monumental Opportunity With the Philippines

By Derek Grossman
Did China miss its shot at the U.S.-Philippines Visiting Forces Agreement?
June 02, 2020

Is the ‘1992 Consensus‘ Fading Away in the Taiwan Strait?

By Derek Grossman
Beijing and Taipei‘s nebulous common understanding is not what it used to be.

May 05, 2020

Reviewing Vietnam’s ‘Struggle’ Options in the South China Sea

By Derek Grossman
What are Hanoi’s options to push back on Beijing?
April 09, 2020

Don’t Get Too Excited, ‘Quad Plus’ Meetings Won’t Cover China

By Derek Grossman
The Quad Plus may actually jeopardize what, in recent years, has become the Quad’s primary mission long-term: signalling unified resolve to counter China’s growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific.

March 19, 2020

China Remains Unfazed by Warming US-Vietnam Security Ties

By Derek Grossman
U.S.-Vietnam ties continue to advance, and Beijing doesn’t seem too concerned.

March 06, 2020

Delayed Chuuk Secession Vote a Win for US Policy in Oceania

By Derek Grossman
Chuuk’s decision to delay a secession vote is a significant victory for America’s diplomatic, economic, and security competition with China in the Pacific Islands.

February 13, 2020

Where Does China’s ‘One Country, Two Systems’ Stand in 2020?

By Derek Grossman
The framework for governing Hong Kong and Macau – and, Beijing hopes, one day Taiwan – is battered but unbroken.
November 15, 2019

Vietnam Needs to ‘Struggle’ More in the South China Sea

By Derek Grossman
Assessing Hanoi’s strategy after the Vanguard Bank standoff with China.

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