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Flora Yan

Flora Yan is a Templeton Fellow in the Asia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

Posts by Flora Yan
August 23, 2022

China and California: The Anatomy of a PRC Subnational Lobbying Campaign

By Flora Yan
One of the earliest cases of PRC diplomats directly lobbying state legislators was the defeat of a pro-Tibet resolution in 2009 in California. Here's how it happened.

January 25, 2022

Behind China’s Intervention in Vermont’s Electronic Waste Recycling Bill

By Flora Yan
How an obscure WTO agreement led to a spike in PRC attempts to change state legislation, sparking pushback from local lawmakers.
January 19, 2022

How China Intervened in a Maryland Effort to Ban Lead From Children’s Products

By Flora Yan
2008 marked one of the earliest examples of the Chinese government's direct intervention on a state bill, through aggressive use of a WTO mechanism.

January 04, 2022

China-US Subnational Exchanges Under the Biden Administration

By Flora Yan
Under Biden, Beijing appears to have kept its focus on maintaining and further developing subnational relationships.

December 21, 2021

How Washington Soured on China-US Subnational Exchanges

By Flora Yan
Under Trump, there was new focus on – and concern about – Beijing’s attempts to take advantage of differences between local, state, and federal governments.

December 16, 2021

PRC Perspectives on Subnational Diplomacy in China-US Relations

By Flora Yan
Xi Jinping himself has highlighted the importance of subnational exchanges in China-U.S. relations.
December 04, 2021

Behind Legislators’ Push to Make PRC National Day a New York State Holiday

By Flora Yan
Even amid sky-high China-U.S. tensions, there is an ongoing bid to make October 1 a public holiday -- "China Day" -- in New York state.

December 02, 2021

‘China Day’ in New York: A Case Study in United Front Work

By Flora Yan
How United Front organizations worked to advance the CCP’s political agenda in the New York State Legislature, especially at a time of strained China-U.S. relations.

November 29, 2021

China’s Subnational Influence at Work in the New York State Legislature

By Flora Yan
The New York State Legislature has developed a special relationship with Beijing.

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