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Franz-Stefan Gady

Franz-Stefan Gady

Franz-Stefan Gady is a Research Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) focused on future conflict and the future of war. Follow him on Twitter.

Franz-Stefan Gady is a Fellow with the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London and a columnist for The Diplomat. He is the author of a number of monographs and book chapters on Asian and European security issues.

Franz-Stefan was a Senior Editor with The Diplomat. He has also reported from a wide range of countries and conflict zones including Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. His writing and photos have appeared in The International New York Times, BBC News, Foreign Affairs Magazine, Foreign Policy, The Christian Science Monitor, and Slate among other publications.

His analysis has been featured in The Financial Times and The Wallstreet Journal, and on Al Jazeera and PBSamong others.

Follow him on Twitter.

Posts by Franz-Stefan Gady
Page 149 of 178
September 28, 2015

Afghanistan’s Newest Attack Helicopter a ‘Total Mess’?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Afghanistan’s most decorated pilot is critical of U.S. efforts to help build the Afghan Air Force.
September 28, 2015

China-US War Over Taiwan and Spratlys: Which Side Would Win?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new RAND report analyzes US and Chinese military capabilities based on two future war scenarios.

September 18, 2015

Japan's Improbable Military Resurgence

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japanese militarism was buried for good in August 1945 and likely will not rise again.

September 17, 2015

Australia and South Korea to Deepen Defense Ties

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The defense and foreign ministers of both countries agreed to a new defense and security cooperation blueprint.

September 17, 2015

Is Russia Building a Top-Secret Nuclear-Armed Underwater Drone?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Pentagon officials think that Moscow’s newest weapon could obliterate entire coastal cities.
September 16, 2015

US Air Force: Russia Has Closed Air Power Gap With NATO

By Franz-Stefan Gady
However, even more alarming are Moscow’s growing anti-access/area denial capabilities, according to a U.S. general.

September 16, 2015

Is the US Army Near a Breaking Point?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
According to a senior Pentagon official, this very well may be the case in the near future given sequestration.
September 16, 2015

Chinese Admiral: South China Sea ‘Belongs to China’

By Franz-Stefan Gady
At a recent naval conference a Chinese Vice Admiral did not mince words.

September 15, 2015

South Korea To Receive ‘New’ Anti-Submarine Warfare Aircraft

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Seoul is moving ahead with plans to purchase refurbished Viking S-3 planes.

September 15, 2015

India’s Air Force to Get 10 Killer Drones from Israel

By Franz-Stefan Gady
New Delhi recently approved a $ 400 million deal for the purchase of armed Heron TP UAVs.

September 09, 2015

How China and India’s Noisy Nuclear Subs Contribute to Instability in Asia

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Beijing and New Delhi’s ballistic missile subs fail to provide an adequate sea-based nuclear deterrent.
September 08, 2015

What’s the Status of India’s Light Combat Helicopter?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The HAL Light Combat Helicopter recently completed crucial trials.

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