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Franz-Stefan Gady

Franz-Stefan Gady

Franz-Stefan Gady is a Research Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) focused on future conflict and the future of war. Follow him on Twitter.

Franz-Stefan Gady is a Fellow with the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London and a columnist for The Diplomat. He is the author of a number of monographs and book chapters on Asian and European security issues.

Franz-Stefan was a Senior Editor with The Diplomat. He has also reported from a wide range of countries and conflict zones including Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. His writing and photos have appeared in The International New York Times, BBC News, Foreign Affairs Magazine, Foreign Policy, The Christian Science Monitor, and Slate among other publications.

His analysis has been featured in The Financial Times and The Wallstreet Journal, and on Al Jazeera and PBSamong others.

Follow him on Twitter.

Posts by Franz-Stefan Gady
Page 166 of 178
April 23, 2015

Should the US Help India Defeat China's Navy?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new study argues yes, and pushes for closer defense ties between New Delhi and Washington.
April 22, 2015

A Geneva Convention for Cyberspace?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
It may be worthwhile discussing the differences between analog and digital weapon arsenals.

April 22, 2015

How Many Attack Submarines Does the United States Need?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The U.S. Navy may face a critical shortfall in Virginia-class boats in the next decade.

April 22, 2015

China Beware: Here Comes India’s Most Powerful Destroyer

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Is this India’s response to China’s Luyang III class?

April 20, 2015

Who Will Supply the US Navy's Next Anti-Ship Missile?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Boeing just announced a new upgrade to its Harpoon missile.
April 18, 2015

Pakistan Tests Ballistic Missile

By Franz-Stefan Gady
For the first time since 2012, Pakistan tests a nuclear-capable medium-range ballistic missile.

April 17, 2015

Unmanned 'Killer Robots': A New Weapon in the US Navy's Future Arsenal?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The US Navy moves unmanned drones to the top of its priorities.
April 16, 2015

Can the United States and Russia Jointly Combat Afghan Heroin?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report wants Moscow and Washington to work together to fight drug trafficking.

April 16, 2015

Will Corruption Undermine South Korea's Sub Modernization Program?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Seoul is building up its submarine fleet but corruption scandals could delay the deployments of new vessels.

April 15, 2015

What is the Future of Naval Warfare?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report attempts to shed light on how precision-guided weapons will impact future maritime battles.

April 15, 2015

US Navy to Deploy Underwater Drones by the End of 2015

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Will this be a game changer for undersea warfare?
April 14, 2015

These Russian Missiles Will Make Bombing Iran Riskier

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Moscow is making a strong effort to improve ties with Tehran.

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