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Freshta Jalalzai
Credit: RFE/RL/ Claudia Shute

Freshta Jalalzai

Freshta Jalalzai is an Afghan-American journalist who holds a degree from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism in New York.

Freshta Jalalzai is an Afghan-American journalist holding a degree from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism in New York, where she majored in politics. Her primary focus is on long-form journalism within the realm of war and conflict, centering on South Asia. With expertise cultivated through extensive coverage of the war in Afghanistan, considered America’s longest war in history, her insightful work has been featured in esteemed publications including The Diplomat, RFE/RL, New Lines Magazine, and various other media outlets. She is currently working on a book project detailing Afghan Jewish history

She can be reached on Twitter at @TheLostJalalzai.

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