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Grant Wyeth

Grant Wyeth

Grant Wyeth is a Melbourne-based political analyst specializing in Australia and the Pacific, India and Canada.

Alongside his work for The Diplomat, his analysis has also been published by a range of outlets including Foreign PolicyWorld Politics ReviewThe Lowy InterpreterEU ObserverMelbourne Asia ReviewInside Story and foreign affairs publications attached to Australian Strategic Policy Institute, and the Australian Institute of International Affairs.

He is formerly an academic researcher at the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne, and previously wrote the weekly newsletter for Australian Foreign Affairs magazine. Presently he is an editor at Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy & Defence Dialogue. and writes a weekly newsletter and periodic essays on his Substack: International Blue.

Grant holds a Bachelor of Arts (Politics) from La Trobe University, and a Master of International Relations from the University of Melbourne.

He tweets @grantwyeth

Posts by Grant Wyeth
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May 04, 2023

More Than Embarrassing: Australians Behaving Badly in Indonesia

By Grant Wyeth
An Australia that can engage culturally with Indonesia can also counter the perception that poorly behaved individuals are reflective of wider Australian culture. 
April 28, 2023

‘Skill up or Sink’: A New Approach to Migration in Australia

By Grant Wyeth
Migration is a nation-building project, and Canberra’s review of its migration system reveals the need for new approaches.

April 18, 2023

The Importance of Augmenting AUKUS

By Melissa Conley Tyler and Grant Wyeth
Australia needs all the tools of statecraft it can muster, especially diplomacy.

April 14, 2023

The Real Shift in Australian Politics

By Grant Wyeth
If Australia’s Liberal Party is in decline, does this mean that the Labor Party is in ascendency?

April 13, 2023

Australia and the Geopolitics of Birthrates

By Grant Wyeth
The social policies of its partners are not something Canberra would ever directly comment on, but they matter for Australian foreign policy anyway.
March 31, 2023

Is Australia’s Liberal Party in Terminal Decline?

By Grant Wyeth
What saves political parties is their ability to adapt, but the aggressive populism that has saved conservative parties elsewhere has limited appeal in Australia.

March 22, 2023

Another Way to Look at AUKUS: Keeping the US Engaged in the Indo-Pacific

By Grant Wyeth
Beyond responding to the China threat, AUKUS is also a tool to maintain U.S. Indo-Pacific engagement through whatever domestic storms are to come in Washington.
March 13, 2023

Innovative Solutions Needed for Indian Community Tensions in Australia

By Grant Wyeth
Left unchecked, tensions, which have sparked vandalism of Hindu temples and attacks on Sikhs, have the potential to poison the Australia-India bilateral relationship.

February 28, 2023

What ABC Missed About Australia’s Interests in Taiwan

By Grant Wyeth
A recent article series assumed that Australia would only defend Taiwan because the U.S. demands it. But Australia has its own reasons to act.

February 18, 2023

Japan Briefs Pacific Islands on Fukushima Wastewater Release Plan

By Grant Wyeth
For Pacific Islanders, who feel a strong guardianship over the Pacific Ocean, Japan’s plan to release contaminated water into the ocean is of critical importance. 

January 31, 2023

Australia’s Nauru Conundrum

By Grant Wyeth
The detention facility’s purpose has diminished, but the country’s geopolitical importance has increased. In the meantime, 73 people languish there.
January 27, 2023

Australia Day, Invasion Day: Evolving the Idea of Australia

By Grant Wyeth
There is no way to undo past wrongs, but there is an opportunity to evolve the idea of Australia. To the country’s credit, Australia Day has become a day of national self-scrutiny.

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