The Diplomat | Author

Greg Austin
Dr Greg Austin is a Professorial Fellow with the EastWest Institute in New York and a Visiting Professor at the University of New South Wales (Canberra).
Dr Greg Austin is a Professorial Fellow with the EastWest Institute in New York and a Professor at the Australian Centre for Cyber Security at the University of New South Wales, Canberra, at the Australian Defence Force Academy. He is the author or editor of six books on Asian security. His other research interests include Russia and European security, Central Asia, preventive diplomacy, and countering violent extremism. He has a special interest in ethics and international affairs.
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December 22, 2015
The Pentagon's Law of War for Cyberspace
By Greg Austin
Beyond the targeting of civil nuclear power plants.

December 21, 2015
China’s Cyber Turn: Recognizing Change for the Better
By Greg Austin
In 2015, there was a sharp turn in China’s policy on international aspects of cyber behavior.

December 01, 2015
Australia Hoses Down South China Sea Angst
By Greg Austin
Turnbull shows his mettle.

November 24, 2015
Australia’s Mono-Cultural Provocateurs and Terrorism
By Greg Austin
A newspaper has helped to inflame a national mood of foreigner hate in Australia that should have died long ago.

November 19, 2015
Yes, a Chinese Company Leased Darwin Port. So What?
By Greg Austin
The furor over Darwin Port exposes Australia’s anti-China impulses.

November 20, 2015
The Myth of a ‘Strategic Imbalance’ in the South China Sea
By Greg Austin
As Australia focuses on China's perceived advantages in the SCS, it's worth taking a closer look at that narrative.
November 19, 2015
Think Like an Australian Terrorist
By Greg Austin
Australia has a policy fog around the character of Australian terrorists that is not helpful and needs to be dissipated.

November 02, 2015
Australia's Interests in the South China Sea
By Greg Austin
China’s artificial islands are of minor interest to Canberra.

October 25, 2015
Australia Lagging in Cyber War
By Greg Austin
Australia urgently needs to have an open and public debate on its military, security, and civil needs in cyberspace.

October 25, 2015
US China Policy Under a Republican President
By Greg Austin
Can we expect a better China policy from the U.S. if a Republican takes office in the White House in January 2017?

October 22, 2015
China’s Dirty Money: How Dangerous Is the China-UK Nuclear Deal?
By Greg Austin
Is Beijing "friend or foe" in cyber nuclear joint development?

October 13, 2015
Which South China Sea Island Holds the Greatest Military Significance?
By Greg Austin
Hainan and China’s unfinished frontier wars.