The Diplomat | Author

J. Berkshire Miller
J. Berkshire Miller is an international affairs professional with significant expertise on security, defense and intelligence issues in the Asia-Pacific region.
He has nearly ten years of work experience on Asia and has held a variety of positions in the private and public sector.
He also currently holds a fellowship with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies Pacific Forum.
He is a regular contributor to several journals, magazines and newspapers on Asia-Pacific security issues.

July 27, 2018
US-Japan Relations in the Coming Year: Alliance Management and Risk Management
By J. Berkshire Miller
Now is a time for alliance management and shrewd diplomacy from Japan.

December 01, 2017
Japan’s Increasingly Tough Defense Choices
By J. Berkshire Miller
With the North Korean threat reaching unparalleled levels, Tokyo is facing difficult choices about self-defense.

February 12, 2016
Avoiding Landmines: Trajectory of the Japan-China Relationship in 2016
By J. Berkshire Miller
Can pragmatism win over antagonism in the Japan-China relationship in 2016?

March 12, 2015
An Opportunity for Japan-Korea Ties?
By J. Berkshire Miller
Relations at the top remain prickly, but the two countries have a chance to work together on regional development.

May 13, 2014
The ICJ and the Dokdo/Takeshima Dispute
By J. Berkshire Miller
Referring the dispute to the international court would have complications, but may be the only feasible solution.

April 04, 2014
Mongolia: More Than Just a Courtesy Call
By J. Berkshire Miller
The significance of US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s visit to Ulan Bator this month should not be overlooked.

March 18, 2014
Japan’s Strategic Push with Turkey
By J. Berkshire Miller
With few diplomatic openings in East Asia, Tokyo has been busy forging ties with Ankara.

January 29, 2014
How Will Japan’s New NSC Work?
By J. Berkshire Miller
The National Security Council brings welcome changes, but will it be able to overcome Japanese bureaucracy?

December 23, 2013
Japan Doubles Down on ASEAN
By J. Berkshire Miller
Tokyo has had a busy year reaching out to ASEAN countries. Will the effort continue in 2014?

November 29, 2013
Is the China-South Korea Honeymoon Over?
By J. Berkshire Miller
Beijing-Seoul ties had been warming considerably, at Japan’s expense. Will the ADIZ row derail them?

October 25, 2013
U.S.-Japan-Australia: A Trilateral With Purpose?
The three countries have stepped up their rhetoric. Now they need to match that with action.

September 26, 2013
Shinzo Abe’s Diplomatic Mission
By J. Berkshire Miller
The Japanese PM makes an overture to the Chinese president at the recent G20 summit. More is needed.
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