The Diplomat | Author

John Power
John Power is a journalist who has been based in Seoul, South Korea since 2010.
John Power is a journalist based in Melbourne, Australia. Prior to that, he was in Seoul, South Korea from 2010-2016. His work has appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, The Daily Mail, NK News, Sisa-In Magazine, UCA News, Asian Geographic and The Korea Herald. Follow him on Twitter @John_F_Power.
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December 30, 2016
Former North Korean Diplomat: Denuclearization Not Likely
By John Power
The deputy ambassador turned defector says Kim Jong-un will never give up North Korea's nuclear weapons.

December 23, 2016
Former North Korea Diplomat Begins New Life as Regime Critic
By John Power
Thae Yong-ho, once one of North Korea's highest-ranking diplomats, pledges to devote his life to reunification.

December 09, 2016
South Korean President Impeached
By John Power
The National Assembly votes to impeach beleaguered President Park Geun-hye.

December 01, 2016
Will New UN Sanctions Change North Korea's Path?
By John Power
The UN praises the latest "comprehensive" sanctions, but experts aren't as optimistic.

November 26, 2016
North Korea's Prison Camps Continue to Cast Dark Shadow
By John Power
North Korea's notorious prison camps remain a "cornerstone" of state control, according to a new report.

November 22, 2016
Specter of Impeachment Grows for South Korea’s President
By John Power
After prosecutors name Park a "conspirator," oppositions parties start the paperwork to remove her from office.

November 13, 2016
Trump’s Unlikely Rise Hints at Shift in US Policy on North Korea
By John Power
Trump's unpredictability extends to his future North Korea policy as well.

November 04, 2016
North Korean Defectors: Floods More Damaging Than the World Thinks
By John Power
North Korean defectors believe official figures far underreport the scale of the disaster.

October 27, 2016
Floods in North Korea Spark Defections, Tightened Security
By John Power
North Koreans reportedly took advantage of recent floods to flee across the Chinese border.

October 21, 2016
North Korea Launches Missile Ahead of US Presidential Debate
By John Power
That attempt ended in failure after the missile exploded shortly after takeoff, according to sources.

October 14, 2016
North Korean ‘Purge’ May Not Be So Serious
By John Power
Details of a recent 'purge' suggest a temporary demotion rather than permanent removal from power of a senior official.

October 06, 2016
Rare Survey Inside North Korea Hints at Growing Discontent
By John Power
A rare survey of people inside the secretive country.