The Diplomat | Author

Joshua Kucera
Joshua Kucera is a freelance reporter specializing in the former Soviet Union.
Joshua Kucera is a freelance reporter specializing in the former Soviet Union. His articles from the region have also appeared in The New York Times, Slate, The Atlantic, Foreign Policy, and many other publications. He is also a regular contributor to Jane’s Defence Weekly and to EurasiaNet, where he also blogs on Eurasian defense and security issues at The Bug Pit.

November 13, 2014
‘Foreseeing Ordeals,’ Kazakhstan Dips Into Oil Fund
By Joshua Kucera
The president has announced the move with some disconcerting predictions.

November 06, 2014
U.S. Ambassador Reignites Cold War Rhetoric in Kyrgyzstan
By Joshua Kucera
Unusually blunt comments highlight the country’s role in the battle for influence in Central Asia.

October 31, 2014
Putin Signals Russia's Shift to Asia
By Joshua Kucera
The Russian president makes it clear that his country will be looking to strengthen ties with Asia.

October 23, 2014
US and Russia Fight Proxy War Over Gay Rights in Kyrgyzstan
By Joshua Kucera
Recent legislation in Kyrgyzstan inhibiting gay rights puts the country at odds with the U.S.

October 16, 2014
Turkmenistan Prepares for Post-2014 Afghanistan
By Joshua Kucera
The government appears worried about a growing Taliban presence near its border.

October 09, 2014
In Kazakhstan, Hope and Skepticism About Hosting 2022 Olympics
By Joshua Kucera
The Games could put the country on the map. But not everybody is excited about the idea.

October 02, 2014
After Summit, Caspian Sea Questions Linger
By Joshua Kucera
Despite some signs of progress, the littoral states remain apart on key issues.

August 28, 2014
Russia and the SCO Military Exercises
By Joshua Kucera
Russia may be putting aside its reluctance to accept the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s growing clout in Central Asia.

March 27, 2013
Great Game in Central Asia After Afghanistan
By Joshua Kucera
Could efforts by Russia and America in Central Asia exacerbate tensions and make matters worse?

April 20, 2012
Can U.S. Get out of Afghanistan?
By Joshua Kucera
The United States faces a number of practical hurdles in getting its forces out of Afghanistan in 2014. But it has found an unlikely ally in its efforts.

January 19, 2012
Is Time Ripe for a Kazakh Spring?
By Joshua Kucera
Kazakhstan’s latest elections have been condemned as another sham. But protests in the city of Zhanaozen suggest the public’s patience is wearing thin.
December 14, 2011
America’s Afghan Supply Problem
By Joshua Kucera
The killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers in a U.S. air attack has left the U.S. more dependent on Uzbekistan. But is Tashkent a reliable – or advisable – partner?
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