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Linh Tong
Linh Tong is a Policy Analyst at the Institute for Policy Studies and Media Development in Hanoi.
Linh Tong is a Policy Analyst at the Institute for Policy Studies and Media Development (IPS), a Vietnamese tech-tank specialized in public policy research and advocacy. She covers digital economy issues and ASEAN’s foreign affairs. Her writings appeared on The Diplomat, East Asia Forum, the Economist, and the International Higher Education journal of Boston College. She holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the Central European University and used to work at the UNICEF Shared Services Center in Budapest. You can get in touch with her via email [email protected]

August 10, 2021
Digital Trade Must be Central to Biden’s ‘Pivot to Asia’
By Linh Tong
Washington's current approach to Southeast Asia underestimates China's increasing lead in digital trade and technology.

June 30, 2021
Vietnam, Singapore Begin Negotiations on Digital Trade Agreement
By Linh Tong
Despite all the challenges, an agreement between the two nations would further liberalize the digital trade environment in Southeast Asia.

July 14, 2018
Vietnam’s Experiment With E-Government
By Linh Tong and Linh Tong
The country got a late start, but is expanding its digital government services.

October 31, 2017
Is Sustainable Development Along the Mekong Possible?
By Linh Tong and Linh Tong
Political realities – starting with China – make Mekong management difficult.

December 23, 2016
The ASEAN Crisis, Part 3: What Should ASEAN Do About the South China Sea Dispute?
By Linh Tong and Linh Tong
Three ways ASEAN can improve its ability to mediate in the South China Sea disputes.

December 22, 2016
The ASEAN Crisis, Part 2: Why Can’t ASEAN Agree on the South China Sea?
By Linh Tong and Linh Tong
How internal and external factors hamstring ASEAN when it comes to the South China Sea.

December 21, 2016
The ASEAN Crisis, Part 1: Why the South China Sea Is a Critical Test
By Linh Tong and Linh Tong
The South China Sea dispute is a threat to the unity of ASEAN as a regional organization.

July 21, 2016
Seeking a Solution to the South China Sea Disputes
By Linh Tong and Linh Tong
Pressuring China won't solve anything. Time for an alternative path.

July 16, 2016
The Social Media ‘War’ Over the South China Sea
By Linh Tong and Linh Tong
Vietnamese, Chinese, and Filipinos spar online after the recent tribunal ruling on the South China Sea.

June 01, 2016
Vietnam’s Evolving Role in US Asia Strategy
By Linh Tong and Linh Tong
From the Vietnam War to the South China Sea, Hanoi's position has changed dramatically.

April 30, 2016
Vietnam Fish Deaths Cast Suspicion on Formosa Steel Plant
By Linh Tong and Linh Tong

April 13, 2016
How Low Oil Prices Hamstring Vietnam in the South China Sea Disputes
By Linh Tong and Linh Tong
To maintain its position in the South China Sea, Vietnam needs a strong Russia.
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