The Diplomat | Author
Mu Chunshan
Mu Chunshan is a Beijing-based journalist.
Previously, Mu was part of an Education Ministry-backed research project investigating the influence of foreign media in shaping China’s image. He has previously reported from the Middle East, Africa, Russia and from around Asia.
March 12, 2012
How China Can Prevent Collapse
China’s leadership seems to realize there’s a need for political reforms. But will the Communist Party act in time?
February 21, 2012
China's Disappointing "Face"
Did a former newscaster overstep the mark by endorsing health products in a news-style internet ad?
January 31, 2012
Intellectual Microblog Exodus?
Leading academics have this month abandoned microblog Sina Weibo over free speech worries. Will more follow?
January 24, 2012
China's Tone Deaf Officials
A number of gaffes in recent years highlight how out of touch local Chinese Communist Party officials are.
December 28, 2011
China’s Affordable Leap Forward
China’s drive to make 20 percent of housing affordable by 2015 is welcome. But it’s not without its critics.
December 28, 2011
China’s Affordable Leap Forward
China’s drive to make 20 percent of housing affordable by 2015 is welcome. But it’s not without its critics.
December 14, 2011
Beijing Pollution at "Crisis Level"
Beijing’s air pollution has hit crisis levels, says one official. Will the govt change the way it measures air quality?
December 08, 2011
China's Christmas Spending Binge
Government agencies in China still have hundreds of billions to spend this year. How will they do it?
November 19, 2011
My Chinese Election Day
Having a chance to vote was great. But it would be even better if I knew something about who I was voting for.
November 11, 2011
Property Bubble Bursting?
Will a slowdown in exports tempt China to ease monetary policy? And what would it do to property prices?
October 24, 2011
The Death of Good Samaritans
Is the case of Wang Yue, who was run down and ignored by passersby, rooted in a 2006 incident?
October 17, 2011
My Chinese Election
Voting in China has often seemed pointless. But more independent candidates suggests a change.