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Mu Chunshan

Mu Chunshan is a Beijing-based journalist.

Previously, Mu was part of an Education Ministry-backed research project investigating the influence of foreign media in shaping China’s image. He has previously reported from the Middle East, Africa, Russia and from around Asia.

Posts by Mu Chunshan
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October 10, 2011

China Facing Subprime Crisis?

Soaring property prices prompted many Chinese to jump on the real estate bandwagon. Is the bubble about to burst?

September 26, 2011

Terror Looms Over Pakistan Ties

Attacks claimed by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement raise the prospect of tension between China and Pakistan.

September 07, 2011

Muzzling China's Microblogs?

A visit to the offices of Sina’s microblog by a top Communist Party official raises questions over freedom of speech.

August 29, 2011

A Sad Forbidden City

A series of problems with the management of the Forbidden City paints a bleak picture of China.

August 19, 2011

Media Games in China

Chinese officials have pressured media outlets to tone down coverage of the July 23 rail accident. They’re not happy.

August 01, 2011

China's Troubled Railways

The high-speed rail crash last month was only the latest reminder of the problems facing the rail ministry.

July 25, 2011

China's Iraq Investment

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki eyes greater Chinese investment during a visit to the country last week.

July 20, 2011

Jiang Zemin and Superstition

Speculation over the health of Jiang Zemin has too often been an embarrassment for the foreign media.

July 14, 2011

Why Jasmine Died in China

Fear, lack of information and a government crackdown killed the chances of a Jasmine Revolution here.

July 05, 2011

Guo Meimei and the Red Cross

The lavish lifestyle of a blogger claiming to work for China’s Red Cross has outraged Chinese netizens.

June 28, 2011

Explosive China

A series of explosions across China have highlighted how unhappy the public is, and how detached local officials are.

June 20, 2011

China’s Middle East Diplomacy

China’s shift on Libya is only one element in its increasing engagement with the Middle East and Arab World.

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