The Diplomat | Author
Paolo Sorbello
Paolo Sorbello is a journalist and researcher living in Kazakhstan.
Paolo Sorbello is a journalist and researcher living in Kazakhstan. He is also the English-language editor at independent media outlet
Paolo’s work has also been published by openDemocracy, Global Voices, and Natural Gas World. He holds a PhD from the University of Glasgow, where he studied industrial relations in Kazakhstan’s oil sector. You can follow Paolo on Twitter or connect via LinkedIn
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September 15, 2020
Central Asia’s Refineries Under Scrutiny
By Paolo Sorbello
Kazakhstan's anti-monopoly agency fines the Atyrau refinery; Uzbekistan's Fergana refinery becomes loot for investors.
August 28, 2020
Feminist Festival Kicks Off in Central Asia
By Paolo Sorbello
The third edition of the FemAgora Central Asia festival began with online video conferences this year, as activists find new and original ways to create networks
August 13, 2020
Court Releases Activist in Kazakhstan in High-Profile Case
By Paolo Sorbello
A judge in Kazakhstan handed an activist a 1.5 year suspended sentence after she knocked off the hat of a policeman during a scuffle in June.
July 06, 2020
Kazakhstan Decriminalizes Defamation, Keeps Hindering Free Media
By Paolo Sorbello
Hailed as a step in the right direction, the decriminalization of defamation is still not enough to relieve pressure from the press.
June 30, 2020
Courts in Kazakhstan Return Assets to Criminal Group
By Paolo Sorbello
In a surprising move, the Prosecutor obtained the restitution of assets to a criminal group facing corruption charges.
May 30, 2020
Hotel Uzbekistan Privatized to Holding in Singapore
By Paolo Sorbello
Bashan Investment Group owns film production companies in Asia and, now, Tashkent's most recognizable building.
May 11, 2020
Kazakhstan’s Richest Sell Almaty Airport
By Paolo Sorbello
TAV, a Turkish holding, completed the purchase of Almaty International Airport, Kazakhstan's most active airport.
April 27, 2020
Kazakhstan Wins One Small Legal Battle in the Long War With Stati
By Paolo Sorbello
A landmark High Court decision in London agreed with Kazakhstan's Central Bank, dealing a blow to a Moldovan investor in a long-lasting legal war.
April 22, 2020
Jobs at Stake in Kazakhstan’s Energy Sector
By Paolo Sorbello
A drop in Brent oil prices and the emergence of cases of COVID-19 at the Tengiz field are poised to slash investment and hammer employment.
March 09, 2020
Kazakhstan Court Set To Free Prominent Political Prisoner
By Paolo Sorbello
Mukhtar Dzhakishev, former head of Kazakhstan's uranium company, obtained an early release decision due to his declining health.
March 02, 2020
Kazakhstan’s Authorities Backtrack on Freedom of Assembly
By Paolo Sorbello
Around 80 activists were arrested on March 1 in Almaty in connection to an unsanctioned rally in memory of an activist who died in jail.
February 11, 2020
Violence in Kazakhstan Turns Deadly for Dungans
By Paolo Sorbello
Ten were killed in clashes that followed ethnic lines, but betrayed long-standing socioeconomic dissatisfaction.