The Diplomat | Author

Ram Mashru
Ram Mashru is a commentator and researcher specializing in the politics, international relations, human rights and economics of South Asia.
Ram Mashru is a writer and researcher specializing in South Asia.
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February 01, 2014
India: Newly Released Guns For Women Do More Harm Than Good
By Ram Mashru
A handgun isn't the right way to prevent violence against women in India.

January 25, 2014
Celebrating Words And Ideas In India's 'Pink City': The World's Largest Literary Festival
By Ram Mashru
The Diplomat's Ram Mashru reflects on the 2014 Jaipur Literary Festival.

January 14, 2014
Violence Against Women in Afghanistan Peaked in 2013
By Ram Mashru
Despite a 2009 law, violence against women is on the rise in Afghanistan, hitting record levels in 2013.

January 08, 2014
Pakistan: As Corrupt As Ever?
By Ram Mashru
Pakistan's corruption problem remains serious and a major impediment to good governance.

January 01, 2014
The Politics of Coalitions in India
By Ram Mashru
The rise of the Aam Aadmi Party offers important lessons on the salience of coalition politics in India.

December 25, 2013
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: India’s 30 Million Case Judicial Backlog
By Ram Mashru
India's legal system has the most backlogged cases of any in the world – what can it do to fix the problem?

December 18, 2013
The Kashmir Question: What Next?
By Ram Mashru
Narendra Modi has re-ignited an exhausted debate: What should be done about Kashmir?
December 17, 2013
Human InSecurity in India
By Ram Mashru
Recent communal violence highlights India’s human security problem.

October 15, 2013
Rethinking India-Pakistan Relations
By Ram Mashru
Together with growing trade ties, incremental advances like the recent talks in New York are significant.

September 18, 2013
Understanding India’s War on Women
By Ram Mashru
Effective policy means reforming attitudes and addressing the demographic, economic and geographic factors.
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