The Diplomat | Author

Robert Farley
Robert Farley is an assistant professor at the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce.
Robert Farley is a senior lecturer at the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce and a visiting professor at the U.S. Army War College.
His work includes military doctrine, national security, and maritime affairs.
He is author of The Battleship Book.
He blogs at Lawyers, Guns and Money and Information Dissemination, and can be found on Twitter at @drfarls.
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May 19, 2021
China Deepens Fintech Dominance With New Digital Currency
By Robert Farley
Beijing is still just chipping away at U.S. financial hegemony.

April 23, 2021
Managing the Military Problem of Space: The Case of Japan
By Robert Farley
Japan has steadily increased its institutional military engagement with space, albeit still with a defensive posture.

April 21, 2021
Indonesian Navy Submarine Missing
By Robert Farley
The Nanggala was engaged in support of an Indonesian Navy drill when it failed to report in. A search is underway.

April 20, 2021
Managing the Military Problem of Space: The Case of Russia
By Robert Farley
Rather than establish a separate space force, Russia has determined that space should be integrated with other aerospace assets.

April 19, 2021
Managing the Military Problem of Space: The Case of India
By Robert Farley
Different countries have approached the military aspects of space in different ways. Here’s India’s approach.

March 31, 2021
What Does Finance Have to Do With War?
By Robert Farley
Examining how Japan financed its 20th century wars provides context for understanding the relationship between finance and international conflict.

March 25, 2021
The Innovation Dilemma: Sharing vs. Hoarding Knowledge
By Robert Farley
Transparency and sharing are antithetical to efforts to box China out of a competitive position in the most advanced technological sectors.

March 24, 2021
What Is a Water War?
By Robert Farley
How useful is the concept “water wars” and how do they fit into traditional concepts of naval power?

March 05, 2021
Does It Matter That the University of Kentucky Closed Its Confucius Institute?
By Robert Farley
The concerns about Confucius Institutes are well known, but many are manageable. Is closing the institutes the answer?

February 23, 2021
Welcome to the All-Consuming Great Power Competition
By Robert Farley
The rhetoric of great power competition threatens to devour every other aspect of U.S. foreign policy.

February 17, 2021
After Manila: the Law of Armed Conflict and Victor’s Justice
By Robert Farley
At the time, the defense of Manila was the single most consequential event of the Pacific War from the point of view of the law of armed conflict.

February 13, 2021
Could the Destruction of Manila in 1945 Have Been Avoided?
By Robert Farley
The question vexed planners at the time, and has been debated extensively in the years since.