The Diplomat | Author

Sanjay Kumar
Sanjay Kumar is a New Delhi-based journalist and correspondent for The Diplomat.
He worked as a reporter and producer with a leading TV news agency, ANI, for five years where he covered conflict in India’s northeast.
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January 19, 2016
Interview: William Dalrymple
By Sanjay Kumar
William Dalrymple on the Jaipur Literary Festival, censorship, and the politics of writing.

January 15, 2016
Talks Between India and Pakistan Postponed Until the 'Near Future'
By Sanjay Kumar
The much-heralded talks between New Delhi and Islamabad have stalled once again.

January 13, 2016
Interview: Bruce Riedel
By Sanjay Kumar
Bruce Riedel on the forgotten crisis of the JFK administration.

January 07, 2016
The Tragic Story of Qurban Ali Mirzaee
By Sanjay Kumar
The persecution of one of Afghanistan’s most popular actors demonstrates the current state of culture in Afghanistan.

January 06, 2016
Terror Attack in Pathankot Threatens to Destabilize the Dialogue Between India and Pakistan
By Sanjay Kumar
This is only the latest attempt by radical groups to destabilize talks between Delhi and Islamabad. Will they succeed?

January 04, 2016
What to Expect out of the BJP in India in 2016
By Sanjay Kumar
The BJP looks set to continue its sectarian policies in India. This is bad news.

December 29, 2015
Modi’s Pakistan Trip: A Political Stunt or Considered Diplomacy?
By Sanjay Kumar
What was behind Narendra Modi's foreign policy stunt in Lahore?

December 24, 2015
Can a Court Case Resurrect the Congress Party in India?
By Sanjay Kumar
The Grand Old Party of Indian politics is trying to revitalize itself during a controversial court case against it.

December 10, 2015
Desperation Rules Afghanistan
By Sanjay Kumar
Young Afghans are being forced to flee the country in search of a better life.

December 03, 2015
Selfies with Modi: Is the Indian Press Shirking its Democratic Responsibility?
By Sanjay Kumar
What is happening to the Indian Fourth Estate?

November 29, 2015
The Battle of Kohima and Indian Historical Consciousness
By Sanjay Kumar
The Battle of Kohima saw northeast India emerge as a decisive battlefield in the Second World War.

November 25, 2015
What Is the State of Afghanistan's Relationship with India?
By Sanjay Kumar
The Diplomat speaks to Afghanistan’s Deputy Foreign Minister on Kabul’s relations with New Delhi and Islamabad.