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Siddharthya Roy

Siddharthya Roy

Siddharthya Roy is a New Delhi-based correspondent on South Asian affairs.

Siddharthya Roy is a New Delhi-based correspondent on South Asian affairs. He’s an alumnus of the Columbia Journalism School in New York and a 2018 Pulitzer Center grantee. He tweets @siddharthyaroy

Posts by Siddharthya Roy
July 01, 2024

Indian Foreign Policy Under Narendra Modi: A Decade of Transformation

By Siddharthya Roy
Modi’s assertive foreign policy approach has redefined India's image to that of a more proactive global player. But can India live up to the hype?

November 14, 2023

Does India Have an Assassination Program?

By Siddharthya Roy
While New Delhi denies any involvement in extraterritorial killings, mounting body counts of anti-Indian militants overseas raise suspicions to the contrary.
February 24, 2022

Rape and Silence in Kashmir’s Jihad

By Siddharthya Roy, Ojaswin Kathuria, and Sayan Ghosh
Kashmiri women drop the veil on years of systematic rape and abuse by Islamist militants in the Kashmir Valley.

May 04, 2020

Hate Goes Viral in India

By Siddharthya Roy
Anti-Muslim mudslinging has hit new heights as pandemic panic paves new avenues in India.

December 09, 2019

Understanding Maharashtra’s Political Game of Thrones

By Siddharthya Roy
Betrayal, chaos, and intrigue colored Maharashtra's latest bout of state political drama.

November 05, 2019

Islamic State Is Alive and Well in South Asia

By Siddharthya Roy
South Asia is witnessing the emergence of a new brand of terrorism, one that can outlive any single leader.
June 07, 2019

India’s Election: Ghosts in the Machine?

By Siddharthya Roy
Allegations of tampering with electoral voting machines are sowing seeds of discord in Indian politics.

April 26, 2019

From the Ruins of the Caliphate: Sri Lanka’s Bloody Easter

By Siddharthya Roy and Stephanie Rose Justin
Don't let the Islamic State connection overshadow the local factors that fed into the attack.

April 17, 2019

Tuberculosis: India’s Silent Epidemic

By Siddharthya Roy and Sayan Ghosh
As of 2018, India is home to the world’s largest number of patients suffering from tuberculosis.

March 04, 2019

The Maldives: The New Kid on the Islamist Block

By Siddharthya Roy
Unabated Islamist radicalism in the Maldives poses a unique challenge to India’s security focused foreign policy.

December 28, 2018

The Hero Bangladesh Deserves

By Siddharthya Roy
What does Hero Alom’s candidacy say about the state of Bangladesh's politics?
December 06, 2018

India’s War on Reporting

By Siddharthya Roy
In Chhattisgarh, a 50-year-old civil war has left little room for nuance or reason.

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