The Diplomat | Author

Sonya Rehman
Sonya Rehman is a journalist and correspondent for The Diplomat living in Lahore, Pakistan.
A graduate of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, she has been writing since 2002. Her work has been featured in TIME, The Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone, BBC, Esquire and The Huffington Post, among others.
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October 26, 2014
Outlawed in Pakistan Shows Rape Victims’ Quest for Justice
By Sonya Rehman
Habiba Nosheen has won an Emmy for her work on a particularly uncomfortable subject for Pakistan.

September 12, 2014
Pakistani Director Tackles Child Abuse in Pakistan
By Sonya Rehman
A new documentary explores a particularly tragic topic.

September 01, 2014
Putting Karachi on the Map
By Sonya Rehman
A Pakistani photographer offers a different, more personal take on her city.

August 26, 2014
Pakistan: A Revolution in the Arts?
By Sonya Rehman
Shoaib Iqbal is working with Pakistani schools to encourage the use of the arts in children’s education.

August 17, 2014
Dukhtar: A Woman’s Story in Pakistan
By Sonya Rehman
An independent Pakistani filmmaker defies the odds to tackle an important human rights issue.

August 12, 2014
Talking with the Winner of Master Chef Pakistan
By Sonya Rehman
A young housewife wins the Pakistan version of the show, which found an enthusiastic audience.

August 09, 2014
The Media in Pakistan
By Sonya Rehman
An interview with Puruesh Chaudhary on Pakistan’s media industry, ethics, and the state of investigative journalism.

August 03, 2014
Tweeting from Gaza
By Sonya Rehman
Sonya Rehman speaks with a young Palestinian on life in Gaza and the role of social media amid the devastation.

July 31, 2014
Father-Son Duo on Charity Mission Lost at Sea
By Sonya Rehman
Babar and Haris Suleman were lost in a plane crash in the Pacific, while raising money for a Pakistan non-profit.

July 27, 2014
The Rickshaw Project: Empowering Disabled Pakistanis
By Sonya Rehman
A new initiative is giving Pakistanis with disabilities a chance to integrate into society.

July 19, 2014
1947 Partition Archive: Preserving the Past
By Sonya Rehman
The 1947 Partition Archive is creating an oral history of a momentous time.

July 13, 2014
Pakistani Authors Find a Market in India
By Sonya Rehman
Indian publishing houses are giving young Pakistani writers a much-needed outlet for their work.