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Tim Hildebrandt

Tim Hildebrandt

Tim Hildebrandt is a PhD candidate and lecturer in Comparative Politics at the University of

Tim Hildebrandt is a PhD candidate and lecturer in Comparative Politics at the University of
Duisburg-Essen, as well as a research associate in Economic Policy, Geopolitics, and
Economic Geography at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences. He holds master’s
degrees in political science from the University of Duisburg-Essen and in Business
Administration – Asia Management from the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences.

Throughout his academic journey, Mr. Hildebrandt has accumulated experience, serving in
various capacities at the chairs of economics, area studies, and intercultural communication
of Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences. Additionally, he has worked in the foreign
offices of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Moscow, and Skopje,
as well as in the European Parliament in Brussels. For inquiries, Mr. Hildebrandt can be
reached at [email protected].

Posts by Tim Hildebrandt
June 13, 2024

Germany Faces a Balancing Act in Engaging with Prabowo’s Indonesia

By Tim Hildebrandt and Christopher J. Godwin
The former general, who is set to assume office in October, will present a stiff test of Berlin's values-based foreign policy.

January 31, 2024

The Role of Thailand in Germany’s Auto Manufacturing Future

By Tim Hildebrandt
German-Thai cooperation encapsulates the complex dance between strategic competition and global industry dynamics.
January 05, 2024

The New Dynamism in Germany’s Relations With South Korea

By Tim Hildebrandt and Julian Klose
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has compelled Germany to alter its foreign policy and role in the world. This has also had repercussions for partners outside the EU.

November 03, 2023

Germany Has a New Player in Left-Wing Politics. Where Does It Stand on China?

By Tim Hildebrandt
The emergence of a potential new party has injected new uncertainties into Germany's ongoing China policy debate.

October 06, 2023

Germany’s Far-Right Pivot to China

By Tim Hildebrandt
As the AfD surges in the polls, its China-friendly foreign policy has come under closer scrutiny.

August 23, 2023

What the ‘Korean Wave’ Can Teach Thailand About Soft Power

By Tim Hildebrandt
The country should draw inspiration from South Korea’s resounding orchestration of cultural ascendancy over the past two decades.
June 16, 2023

Germany’s National Security Strategy and the China Challenge

By Tim Hildebrandt
After lacking clear guidelines for years, Berlin has clearly outlined its national interests and the means to protect and realize them.

May 31, 2023

The Hidden History of Korean Labor Migrants in Germany

By Tim Hildebrandt
The past struggles of Korean migrant workers in Germany offer lessons for South Korea today as it grapples with labor migration and the need to treat foreign workers fairly.

April 14, 2023

German Foreign Minister Visits Beijing Amid European China Debate

By Tim Hildebrandt
Discussions are taking place in Europe and Germany on how to deal with China, but also on which path of development to take in the coming decades, in the context of a rather shaky confidence in the U.S.

March 20, 2023

German Public Opinion in the China Policy Debate

By Tim Hildebrandt
Growing negative sentiment toward China will increase the pressure on Berlin to moderate its approach toward Beijing.

February 15, 2023

Germany’s President Aims to Diversify Ties During Southeast Asia Trip

By Tim Hildebrandt
What German interests have prompted Frank-Walter Steinmeier's visits to Cambodia and Malaysia, and what can the two countries expect?
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