The Diplomat | Author

Yuki Tatsumi
Yuki Tatsumi is Director of the Japan Program at the Stimson Center in Washington, D.C.
Yuki Tatsumi is a Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the East Asia Program and Director of the Japan Program at the Stimson Center. She is also a non-resident senior fellow at the Canon Institute for Global Studies in Tokyo, Japan. She is a co-author of Global Security Watch: Japan (Praeger, 2010), an author of Opportunity out of Necessity: Impacts of US Defense Budget Cuts on the US-Japan Alliance (Stimson, 2013), and Japan’s National Security Policy Infrastructure: Can Tokyo Meet Washington’s Expectations? (Stimson Center, 2008). She also is an editor of several books, including US-Japan-Australia Security Cooperation: Prospects and Challenges (Stimson, 2015), Japan’s Global Diplomacy: View from Next Generation (Stimson, 2015) and Japan’s Challenges in East Asia: View from Next Generation (Stimson, 2015).
Tatsumi holds a B.A. in liberal arts from the International Christian University in Tokyo, Japan and an M.A. in international economics and Asian studies from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University in Washington.

November 09, 2016
Trump Wins: Implications for US Allies and Partners in Asia
By Yuki Tatsumi

October 25, 2016
Japan Rolls out Red Carpet for Philippines' Duterte
By Yuki Tatsumi

October 06, 2016
Does Another Election Loom in Japan?
By Yuki Tatsumi

September 19, 2016
Democratic Party Presidential Election: Another Missed Opportunity for Japan's Opposition
By Yuki Tatsumi

September 04, 2016
Japan and Shinzo Abe's Gamble With Russia
By Yuki Tatsumi

August 10, 2016
How Emperor Akihito Shaped Post-War Japan
By Yuki Tatsumi

August 03, 2016
What Does Tokyo's New Governor Mean for Japanese Politics?
By Yuki Tatsumi

July 12, 2016
A Big Win for Japan's Ruling Coalition: Main Takeaways
By Yuki Tatsumi

June 30, 2016
What Sort of Defense Build-Up Does Japan Really Need?
By Yuki Tatsumi

June 10, 2016
China: Pushing the Envelope in the East China Sea?
By Yuki Tatsumi

June 09, 2016
Japan Gears up for Elections
By Yuki Tatsumi