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Zhuoran Li

Zhuoran Li

Zhuoran Li is a Ph.D. candidate in China studies and a research assistant at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University. His work has been featured in The Diplomat and the National Interest, and he has appeared on Vox News.

Zhuoran Li is a Ph.D. candidate in China studies and a research assistant at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University. He received his BA at the University of Virginia and MA at SAIS. His research interests include Chinese politics, Japanese politics, and East Asian security and diplomacy. His works have been featured in The Diplomat, SAIS China Studies Review, and the National Interest, and he has appeared on Vox News.

Posts by Zhuoran Li
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October 28, 2021

North Korea’s Food Shortage Is a Lesson for US Policymakers

By Zhuoran Li
If North Korea’s extreme self-inflicted COVID isolation isn’t enough to break the Kim regime, external sanctions have no chance.
September 14, 2021

The Logic and Limitation of China’s Zero-COVID Policy

By Zhuoran Li
China’s strategy of mass mobilization can be astonishingly effective – but only for a short period of time.

September 06, 2021

How Successful Was China’s Poverty Alleviation Drive?

By Zhuoran Li
China eliminated extreme poverty, a monumental achievement. But the root causes of poverty persist.

July 07, 2021

The CCP Deserves Credit for China’s Phenomenal Economic Growth

By Zhuoran Li
Yes, the CCP has many shortcomings. But it has also contributed significantly to the country’s economic miracle.

March 20, 2021

The Ant Group Incident Reveals the Fragile Future of Innovation in China

By Zhuoran Li and Gavin Xu
Increasing CCP control, coupled with bureaucratic infighting, decreases the incentives for private companies to try new things.
February 20, 2021

The Challenges and Opportunities of Japan-Russia Economic Relations

By Zhuoran Li
On paper, Japan and Russia have complementary economies. In reality, trade and investment ties have been hard to forge.

December 08, 2020

How China’s Government Structure Prevents Intellectual Property Protection

By Zhuoran Li
China’s struggle with IP protection is based on structural issues related to its “fragmented authoritarianism.”
October 30, 2020

China’s ‘Secret Weapon’ Against COVID-19 Won’t Work for Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

By Zhuoran Li
The CCP was able to mobilize its people to fight COVID-19. It's having a harder time convincing Chinese to spend money.

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