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The Dilemma of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy

The Dilemma of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
Why can’t Islamabad get its foreign policy on track?
The Quiet Tajik Refugee Crisis

The Quiet Tajik Refugee Crisis

By Yan Matusevich
A crackdown in Tajikistan has led to a little noticed surge in Tajik asylum seekers in Europe -- particularly Poland.

Desperate Times for Cambodia's Farmers

Desperate Times for Cambodia's Farmers

By Ana Salvá
After facing a long drought, Cambodian farmers now fear the arrival of La Niña and possible floods.

The Plight of the Gwadar Fisherman

The Plight of the Gwadar Fisherman

By Shah Meer Baloch
At Gwadar port, the heart of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, local fishermen see their livelihood under attack.

An Uphill Climb for Nepal’s Prachanda

An Uphill Climb for Nepal’s Prachanda

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Nepal's new prime minister faces a host of internal and external challenges.
Executions Cast a Pall Over Indonesia and Its 'War on Drugs'

Executions Cast a Pall Over Indonesia and Its 'War on Drugs'

By Luke Hunt
Despite promising to improve Indonesia's human rights records, President Jokowi has upped the pace of executions.

India's New Child Labor Law: Billed to Fail

India's New Child Labor Law: Billed to Fail

By Neeta Lal
Child labor is India's worst-kept secret, and a new law will do little to change that.
China’s Unique Space Ambitions

China’s Unique Space Ambitions

By Namrata Goswami and Namrata Goswami
China’s space program is venturing beyond simply seeking prestige and status.

How Russia Is Bolstering Missile Defense in its Far East

How Russia Is Bolstering Missile Defense in its Far East

By Guy Plopsky
Russia is moving S-400 SAM systems and Su-35S fighter aircraft to its Far East.

Unmanned Systems and Manned Conflict in East Asia

Unmanned Systems and Manned Conflict in East Asia

By Tobias Burgers and Scott N. Romaniuk
Potential (mis)use of military robotic technology in East Asia's maritime conflicts is enormous.

The Slow Decay of the Taj Mahal

The Slow Decay of the Taj Mahal

By Heenay Patel
How pollution and bureaucratic incompetence threaten to destroy India's greatest monument.
The Future of China's Diplomacy in the Middle East

The Future of China's Diplomacy in the Middle East

By Xue Li and Zheng Yuwen
Despite its rising power, China should resist the temptation to become militarily involved in the Middle East.

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