
China Power

China's rise inspires a mix of awe, fear and skepticism. But what will its global role be? Are we on the brink of a bipolar world? How will its neighbors respond? Will it all come crashing down? The Diplomat's daily China blog will try to find some answers.

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Exploring China’s New Narrative on Democracy

Exploring China’s New Narrative on Democracy

By Jo Kim
Amid growing concerns about its governance, China's leadership is attempting to emphasize its own brand of democracy with “Chinese characteristics.”
Can China’s ‘New Idea’ Work in the Middle East?

Can China’s ‘New Idea’ Work in the Middle East?

By Wang Jin
China's approach toward the region was on display at a recent security forum in Beijing.

Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam Fears Violence Is on Upswing Again

Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam Fears Violence Is on Upswing Again

By Associated Press
The chief executive says a new U.S. law and continuing violence will harm the economy.

China Releases Professor, But Travel Concerns Persist

China Releases Professor, But Travel Concerns Persist

By Shin Kawashima
A recent detention has implications for China-Japan relations.

US Senate Hearing Raises Alarm Over China’s Talent Recruitment Plans

US Senate Hearing Raises Alarm Over China’s Talent Recruitment Plans

By Bonnie Girard
Among other concerns, witness testimony pointed to “shadow labs” in China that mirror U.S- funded cutting-edge research.
The Coming Political Restrictions on Chinese Outbound Travel

The Coming Political Restrictions on Chinese Outbound Travel

By Xiaochen Su
Hand-wringing over targeted tourist restrictions miss the larger point: the Chinese overseas tourism boom is about to fall victim to domestic political concerns.

Taiwan’s Election Thrown Into Turmoil After Claims by Alleged Chinese Spy

Taiwan’s Election Thrown Into Turmoil After Claims by Alleged Chinese Spy

By Nick Aspinwall
Taiwan detained two Chinese executives over election influence allegations and proposed an anti-infiltration bill after confessions from Wang Liqiang.
North Korea’s Economy: The View From China

North Korea’s Economy: The View From China

By Mu Chunshan
Sanctions aside, many Chinese businesspeople are willing to invest across the border. Is North Korea ready to open its doors for them?

How Hong Kong’s District Council Elections Offer a Way out of the Political Crisis

How Hong Kong’s District Council Elections Offer a Way out of the Political Crisis

By Brian Wong
The District Council elections provide both the mandate and opportunity to come to a compromise.

Secret Documents Reveal How China’s Mass Detention Camps Work

Secret Documents Reveal How China’s Mass Detention Camps Work

By Associated Press
A classified blueprint leaked to a consortium of news organizations shows the camps are instead precisely what former detainees have described:

Explaining China’s Assertive Approach to the Hong Kong Protests

Explaining China’s Assertive Approach to the Hong Kong Protests

By Jo Kim
The CCP’s hardline on Hong Kong risks a global backlash, but it is in line with the Party’s central goal: survival.
The Pro-Democrats’ Landslide Victory in Hong Kong Is Just the Beginning

The Pro-Democrats’ Landslide Victory in Hong Kong Is Just the Beginning

By Sanho Chung
The huge triumph of the pro-democracy bloc in the District Council election will not bring democracy to Hong Kong immediately.

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