

Will China’s military rival the United States’ in the Pacific? Will Japan abandon the constitutional fetters on its own military? How will India respond to the String of Pearls strategy? The Diplomat has put together a team of leading analysts to offer must-read, regular commentary on the big defense and security issues in the Asia-Pacific.

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China and Russia to Increase Number of Military Exercises in 2016

China and Russia to Increase Number of Military Exercises in 2016

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Chinese and Russian defense ministers agreed to hold more joint military drills in 2016 than in previous years.
The US Cancelled a Scheduled FONOP in the South China Sea. What Now?

The US Cancelled a Scheduled FONOP in the South China Sea. What Now?

By Ankit Panda
Instead of a FONOP, Washington chose to conduct fly-overs near Scarborough Shoal. What are the ramifications?

Fear and Honor: The Other Side of US-China 'Thucydides Trap'

Fear and Honor: The Other Side of US-China 'Thucydides Trap'

By Dingding Chen
China's "assertiveness" is much discussed. What about the role of U.S. fear?

India: Walking the Line Between China and the United States?

India: Walking the Line Between China and the United States?

By Mayuri Mukherjee
In approaching the United States, how concerned should India be about its ties with China?

Could Restarting F-22 Raptor Production Ever Be a Good Idea?

Could Restarting F-22 Raptor Production Ever Be a Good Idea?

By Robert Farley
Is there a good reason to restart production of the F-22? Without export prospects, maybe not.
Tailored Deterrence: Influencing North Korean Decision-Making

Tailored Deterrence: Influencing North Korean Decision-Making

By Michael Raska
Defense planners have been rethinking strategies for responding to threats posed by North Korea.

Japan's Fighter Jets Intercepted Chinese Aircraft 571 Times in 2015

Japan's Fighter Jets Intercepted Chinese Aircraft 571 Times in 2015

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The number of sorties flown to ward off Chinese intrusions into Japan’s airspace has risen substantially.
China’s Hollow South China Sea Consensus With ASEAN Laggards

China’s Hollow South China Sea Consensus With ASEAN Laggards

By Prashanth Parameswaran
While Beijing’s four-point consensus is a notable diplomatic move, its substance is rather hollow.

Will China Begin Scarborough Shoal Reclamation After Hague Verdict on South China Sea?

Will China Begin Scarborough Shoal Reclamation After Hague Verdict on South China Sea?

By Ankit Panda
Scarborough Shoal was seized by China in 2012. Reclamation there would be unusually provocative.

North Korea Tests Solid-Fuel Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile

North Korea Tests Solid-Fuel Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile

By Ankit Panda
North Korea's submarine-launched ballistic missiles are making steady progress.

The South China Sea: Vietnam's Limited Diplomatic Options

The South China Sea: Vietnam's Limited Diplomatic Options

By Du Nhat Dang
Russia, the United States, Japan -- who can help Vietnam square off against China?
Did China Really Test a MIRV-Capable ICBM Near the South China Sea?

Did China Really Test a MIRV-Capable ICBM Near the South China Sea?

By Ankit Panda
Plus, India-China relations, India-Pakistan SLBM woes, and anti-corruption in the Pakistani military.

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