James Holmes
Everything old is new again. As in past ages, rising and established powers are gazing seaward–and thinking about how to use sea power to advance their power and purposes. Professor Jim Holmes sizes up the prospects for competition and cooperation in maritime Asia–looking back across history to catch sight of the future.

China’s Doublethink on the Law of the Sea
China is comfortable with the idea that the law of the sea is sacrosanct, and that Beijing can carve out a zone of exception for itself.

When Hollywood Gets Seapower Right
The Naval Diplomat recounts three enduring lessons from one of his favorite films, Master and Commander.
Anthony Bourdain's ‘No Reservations’ Nuclear Deterrence
What do Denis Leary, Anthony Bourdain, Henry Kissinger, and Thomas Schelling have in common? They understand how to deter.

George P. Brady: A Story of Valor
The Naval Diplomat recounts the story of a veteran and Medal of Honor recipient from the Spanish-American War.

Eurasia Is for Hugging
With the right cartography, the pivot isn’t the U.S. abandoning Europe for Asia but hugging Eurasia.

Airsea Battle With Chinese Characteristics
Beijing’s approach to seapower is remarkably similar to the U.S. Navy in the age of Mahan and Roosevelt.

The U.S. Army’s Anti-Access Strategy
The Army does have a role in the pivot. Will bureaucratic inertia get in the way?

The Geopolitics of Hawaii
They aren’t just about sun, fun, and ukuleles. The islands also hold great strategic importance.

The Insurgent’s Playbook: Start Cumulative, Go Sequential
A weak combatant cuts a stronger adversary down in size, while amassing the wherewithal to prevail.

Welcome to the League of Mad Strategists
A meeting of the minds: Carl von Clausewitz, Edward Luttwak, and Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

Top 3 Takeaways from the Pentagon's China Report
“One hopes the Defense Department will take a more textured view of China’s rise than is on display here.”
China's Great India Folly
By reopening its territorial quarrel with India, China risks having to redirect resources from sea power back to land defense.