James Holmes
Everything old is new again. As in past ages, rising and established powers are gazing seaward–and thinking about how to use sea power to advance their power and purposes. Professor Jim Holmes sizes up the prospects for competition and cooperation in maritime Asia–looking back across history to catch sight of the future.

Economic Interdependence = Less Conflict?
Could economic logic come to govern international politics, driving out competitive impulses?

Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson: The Warrior and the Priest
The chief difference between them: Wilson got the chance to accomplish big goals through direct means.
The State of U.S.-China Competition
“The mainland can concentrate all of its military might against a fraction of U.S. strength…in its own geographic environs”

Pestilence, Natural Disasters and Death
Our Naval Diplomat notes that the nondiscriminatory character of natural disasters is worth remembering.

Five Obstacles to U.S. Arctic Strategy
“Orienting ourselves toward this new strategic problem is a worthy first step.”

U.S. Coast Guard Meets Corbett
Why not let USCG spearhead maritime strategy in offshore waters where it will already be performing police and disaster-response duty?

Norway's Arctic Power Play, Asia Dream
Could climate change and a receding polar ice cap open new opportunities for Norway in Asia?

An Age of Land-Based Sea Power?
“if indeed technology keeps extending the reach of UCAVs and other forms of long-range fire support.”

Littoral Combat Ship and Fleet Experimentation
Recent reports concerning the Littoral Combat Ship program grab the attention of our Naval Diplomat.

Thucydides, War and Natural Disasters
“There’s no point being bitter about a tsunami or storm. It takes an enemy to envenom human affairs.”

Why Have Surface Fleets Endured?
“As Clausewitz counsels, there’s no escaping the guesswork quotient in military affairs.”

Sea Power in Literature: Melville's White-Jacket
“Melville’s storytelling speaks volumes about why navies are the tradition-bound services they are.”