New Emissary

Vietnam Maths Revolution?
Ngo Bao Chau’s maths prize win might really affect the country’s whole future.
North Korea’s Twitter Tactics
Has the DPRK enlisted Twitter in a propaganda war against its international enemies?

Osaka Hotel Art
These days in Japan, there are unique art fairs taking place in the comfort of a… hotel room.

Cinema Digital Seoul
South Korea remains ahead of the trend with this annual festival dedicated to digital film.

Burma’s Good-luck Elephant?
A rare white elephant in Burma is being celebrated by the junta – as a good omen.

Greece-China Vines
A Greek winery and Chinese company form a new venture that might raise eyebrows.

Does Asia Really Love Art?
Asian buyers keep spending a lot on art. But do they really like what they’re buying?

Japan’s Hottest Topic
The summer heat wave has Japanese talking weather and crowding coffee shops.

Asia’s Teens Very Mobile
Still more Asian youth go mobile with their communications, says a recent survey.

Tasty Taiwan Ties
Taiwan is the latest place to use food as a form of diplomacy. With a $34.2 million campaign.

ASEAN: Hot New Brand?
Should the 43-year-old organization be made a household brand name in Asia?

Iran’s Movie Warfare?
Iran may use a recent real-life news story as propaganda against its top Western nemesis.