New Emissary

A Japanese James Brown
An hot new photographer may also be Japan’s hardest working man in the business.

Listed, UNESCO-Style
21 new World Heritage Sites have just been named. And Asia is definitely in the spotlight.

A Weak Inception Reception?
The hit seems to be lagging in Japan, despite things like Ken Watanabe’s star power.

Japan's Real 'Salarymen'
Some of Japan’s hardest working people are types far from what you’d expect.
Facebook Nation?
Facebook is the world’s ‘third biggest nation.’ But can it fight crime and teach governance?

Mulling the ‘Un-Islamic’
Is Iran’s new style-guide a way for the regime to stamp their shaken authority on its youth?

Mail-Order Surge in Asia?
A rising trend of international marriages in the region raises greater issues and challenges.

5 Banned Things in Asia
Among things prohibited in the Asia-Pacific so far this year are junk food ads in Korea, mullets in Iran and facial hair in Japan.

Japan’s Blank Walls
Why does so much of Japan’s contemporary art still remain undiscovered by the world?

Kyrgyzstan Food Art
American burgers become art in one of the busiest community hubs in Kyrgyzstan?
Golden Dragon Takes Gold
An Indonesian group with a surprising quality has taken the title of ASEAN’s best band.

ASEAN’s Best Band
A new large-scale talent contest has determined the next big music group in South-east Asia.