New Emissary
Asian-American Fashion Wave
Asian-American fashion designers are big in the fashion world now. How might fame be harder for them to cope with?

2010’s Priciest Chinese Artwork
There’s an interesting story behind the centuries-old Chinese art piece that set a new all-time record in 2010.

Miniature Painting… Animated?
A traditional Asian art form is experiencing a comeback thanks to some modern artists…and their unique ‘tweaks.’
Will Manhwa Catch Manga?
Comics are getting a boost thanks to the iPad. Does this mean Korean comics will now get a share of the spotlight too?

'CODE RED' Art: Yeoh Kean Thai
Malaysian artist Yeoh Kean Thai’s new art reflects both his own unique life story and environmental threats today.
Sapporo, Japan: Worth a Visit
This often forgotten Japanese city to the north is surprisingly modern, friendly and design-savvy — and well worth a visit.

Japan Loves Its Leggy, Cool K-Pop
Female Korean pop groups are taking off overseas—especially in Japan. Is K-Pop success thanks to more leg…and talent?
A Brief Holiday Hiatus
There’ll be plenty of new arts and culture topics for 2011 when The New Emissary returns from a brief holiday hiatus.

‘Asianness’ in Fashion
Will the ‘Asian Look’ have staying power with Asians themselves now they’re poised to become top consumers?

A Light on Fashion and Asia
The ‘East meets West’ theme has been done to death by the fashion magazines. What other stories are out there?
5 Artful Holiday Gifts for Kids
Ideas for children’s gifts that’ll teach, won’t easily be tired of, and that might make a lifelong impact.

Norwegian Wood OK, and Pretty
Despite a tepid critical reception so far, people will go see the film adaptation of one of Japan’s most revered books.