
US Congress’ COFA Delay Jeopardizes a Key Element of the ’Free and Open Indo-Pacific’
By Cleo Paskal
The U.S. government concluded COFA renewal talks with Palau, Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands in 2023. Months later, Congress has yet to approve the funding.

Can the Indo-Pacific Eliminate Cervical Cancer?
By Marion Saville
Australia is close to eliminating cervical cancer. Could other countries in the Indo-Pacific soon follow suit?

It’s Time for Australia to Take a ‘Whole-of-Nation’ Approach to Foreign Policy
By Grant Wyeth
“Whole-of-nation” language carries a sense of urgency that the country’s economy, society, and public institutions must become more alert to their role in the international sphere.

ANZMIN Signals Potential Major Shift in New Zealand Foreign Policy
By Nicholas Dynon
The inaugural Australia-New Zealand 2+2 saw the new Luxon government draw closer to Australia – and AUKUS.

Finding Australia in K-Pop
By Grant Wyeth
Soft power circulates, with South Korea’s K-Pop influencing Australia at the same time Australia's self-image as an Asian country continues to evolve.

Australia Has No Plan for Climate Change Adaptation. Why?
By Johanna Nalau
Reducing emissions is only part of the story. Australia must also plan for adapting to the impacts of climate change.

Australia Day: A National Impasse
By Grant Wyeth
Maybe Australia should stop trying to find symbolic worth in the past and instead focus on what kind of country it wants to be in the future.

New Zealand’s Huge Shift in the Middle East
By Geoffrey Miller
A decision to provide intelligence support for future U.S. and U.K. airstrikes on Yemen is highly symbolic.

The State of Emergency in Papua New Guinea: Balancing Order and Rights
By Phil Glover and Warren Doudle
The state of emergency in Papua New Guinea, declared following unprecedented riots, underscores the complex challenge of balancing public order with civil liberties.

Nauru’s Geopolitical Clout
By Patricia O’Brien
The diplomatic battle between Taipei and Beijing is but one arena where Nauru is flexing muscle that greatly exceeds its demographic and geographic size.

Nauru Switches Ties From Taipei to Beijing
By Dechlan Brennan
In the immediate aftermath of Taiwan’s elections, in which the DPP retained the presidency, Nauru announced its decision to establish diplomatic relations with China.

The Facade of Australia Day Deserves to Crumble
By Dechlan Brennan
No other country celebrates the dismantling of one Indigenous group’s way of life as their national day like Australia does.