New Zealand Saw the Supermarket Attack Coming – But Couldn’t Stop It
By Nick Perry
New Zealand’s authorities had long thought the attacker was an extremist who posed a threat. But they had no legal recourse to stop him.
To Achieve Women’s Safety, Australia Must Confront Male Violence
By Grant Wyeth
The Australian government held a worthwhile national summit on women’s safety, but the approach is indirect in tacking the core problem: male violence.
COVID-19 Continues to Impact New Zealand’s Diplomacy
By Geoffrey Miller
New Zealand’s latest COVID-19 outbreak has once again delayed the country’s return to top-level face-to-face diplomacy. That will have a cost.
Australia Seeks to Boost Independent Space Capabilities
By Paula Alvarez-Couceiro
Developing individual space capabilities is expensive but critical for countries like Australia.
Why Did the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Take on Fox News?
By Grant Wyeth
In an investigative series, the ABC laid out the connection between misleading reporting on Fox and the January 6 unrest in Washington, DC.
What the Fall of Afghanistan Means for New Zealand
By Geoffrey Miller
What unfolds in Kabul could have far-reaching implications for New Zealand’s geopolitical position.
Australia Charts Course to Reopening to the World
By Joshua Mcdonald
With a zero COVID state unobtainable, Canberra is looking to reopen once vaccination rates pick up.
New Zealand Confronts COVID Delta Wave
By Joshua Mcdonald
After living mostly COVID-free throughout the pandemic, New Zealand has hit its worst point since April 2020.
The ANZUS Treaty at 70
By Patricia O’Brien
As their alliance turns 70, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S. now face different challenges from China.
How Should Australia Respond to China’s Arbitrary Detentions?
By Grant Wyeth
One option for countries like Australia and Canada is to boycott the upcoming Winter Olympics.
How Australia’s COVID Policy Backfired
By Joshua Mcdonald
Australia’s initial successes against the virus may have rendered it complacent, impacting its vaccination campaign.
Australian Government Inquiry Calls for Fresh Support for Foreign Policy Research
By Philip Citowicki
A Senate Committee has highlighted the need for Australia's funding of foreign policy research to keep pace with the region's shifting strategic climate.