
China, What's Next?

China's Challenges: Economy

China's Challenges: Economy

By James A. Dorn
China has made dramatic economic progress during the last five years, weathering the global financial crisis and becoming the world’s largest exporter and second largest economy, surpassing Japan.

How to Improve China-US Trust

How to Improve China-US Trust

By Shen Dingli
Competing visions and expectations complicate China-US ties. They need to try and walk in each other’s shoes, argues Shen Dingli.
China’s Highly Unequal Economy

China’s Highly Unequal Economy

By Victor Shih
Double-digit growth can’t hide the fact that China’s state-controlled economy is leaving the vast majority of citizens behind.

The Return of Smile Diplomacy

The Return of Smile Diplomacy

By Daniel Gearin
China is backing away from last year’s assertive posture. Whatever the reason, the US shouldn’t expect a transformation in ties.

George Orwell’s China?

George Orwell’s China?

By William de Tocqueville
Hu Jintao has been keen to emphasize ‘fairness’ in China. But has the message reached the ears of many of the country’s officials?

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Avoiding US-China Military Rivalry

Avoiding US-China Military Rivalry

By Michael Swaine
A new Cold War between the US and China isn’t inevitable. But better inter-military communication will be needed to stop one, says Michael Swaine.

Is Bismarck China’s Man?

Is Bismarck China’s Man?

By James R. Holmes
Some China watchers look to Bismarck as a comparison for China. It’s a less reassuring analogy than they think.
China's Bumpy Ride Ahead

China's Bumpy Ride Ahead

By Minxin Pei
China’s ties with other major powers took a sharp turn for the worse in 2010. Its leaders need to change mindset, says Minxin Pei.

China's relations in the Asia-Pacific: Taiwan

China's relations in the Asia-Pacific: Taiwan

By Daniel Lynch
Those that believe the status quo with Taiwan can go on indefinitely are being far too complacent, argues Daniel Lynch.

China's relations in the Asia-Pacific: Indonesia

China's relations in the Asia-Pacific: Indonesia

By Kelley Currie
There's more to democracy than a choice between the 'Beijing Consensus' and the West. China should look at Indonesia.

China's relations in the Asia-Pacific: Vietnam

China's relations in the Asia-Pacific: Vietnam

By Hung Nguyen
China's excessive territorial claims in the South China Sea are pushing Vietnam toward the United States.
China's Challenges: Africa

China's Challenges: Africa

By Ian Taylor
The rise of China in Africa is arguably the most important development for the continent since the end of the Cold War, and the related dynamics have helped reinvent Africa as a priority investment destination.

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