Zachary Keck

How Hiroshima and Nagasaki Saved Millions of Lives
By Zachary Keck
By showing the world the horrors of nuclear warfare, the atomic bombings made future ones much less likely.
China Is Losing War on Terror
By Zachary Keck
All evidence suggests that China is losing its new war on Uyghur terrorism.

Why Asia Won’t Sanction Russia for MH17
By Zachary Keck
The U.S. is trying to pressure Asia into imposing sanctions on Russia. This effort is almost certainly futile.

Why Russia Might Have Provided the BUK Missile Launcher
By Zachary Keck
A reader writes in with insights into why Russia might have provided the Ukraine rebels with BUK missile systems.

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17: What If Russia Wasn’t Involved?
By Zachary Keck
There is an increasing amount of evidence that Russia wasn’t necessarily directly involved in the tragedy.

Why Tehran Loves Iran Hawks
By Zachary Keck
However well-intentioned, Iran hawks in the U.S. threaten to advance Tehran's nuclear agenda.

US Policy and International Law: Taiwan’s Friend
By Michael Turton and Brian Benedictus
Both U.S. policy and international law make attacking Taiwan illegal and defending it legal.

Missing the Point on the ‘Anti-China Rhetoric’ Debate
By James Pach
China may be the problem. But anti-China rhetoric isn’t the solution.

International Law Is Taiwan’s Enemy
By Julian Ku
Although protecting Taiwan is worthwhile, international law is not on Taipei’s side.

Anti-China Rhetoric Isn’t Causing Problems, China Is
By Zachary Keck
China's actions in the region are causing problems, anti-China rhetoric is merely the response to them.

Why Defending Taiwan Is NOT Illegal
By Michal Thim
There are good reasons to think that the UN Charter allows Japan and the US to come to Taiwan’s defense.

Why Defending Taiwan Is Illegal
By Julian Ku
The UN Charter prohibits any country from coming to Taiwan’s defense if China invades the island.