
Hong Kong

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Beijing’s Crackdown Runs Into Hong Kong’s Rule of Law

Beijing’s Crackdown Runs Into Hong Kong’s Rule of Law

By Sarah Cook
Pushback against politically motivated prosecutions is emerging from lawyers, judges, and the principles of Hong Kong’s common law system itself.
Hong Kongers Are Still Reluctant to Move to the Mainland

Hong Kongers Are Still Reluctant to Move to the Mainland

By Jason Hung
Hong Kongers are not keen to relocate to China’s Greater Bay Area, despite encouragement from Xi Jinping.

Hong Kong’s Present Echoes Tibet’s Past

Hong Kong’s Present Echoes Tibet’s Past

By Simon Shen
In both 1959 Tibet and 2019 Hong Kong, popular dissent became a flashpoint for the end of meaningful autonomy - just as Beijing had planned.

In Hong Kong, COVID-19 and Racism Make an Ugly Mix

In Hong Kong, COVID-19 and Racism Make an Ugly Mix

By Jessie Lau
In Hong Kong, the pandemic has fanned the flames of a more silent epidemic: systematic racism. 

Hong Kong Begins Internet Restrictions on National Security Grounds

Hong Kong Begins Internet Restrictions on National Security Grounds

By Jessie Lau
The first blocking of a website has raised concerns that the Great Firewall might be coming to Hong Kong.
China Is Making Support for Democracy a Crime in Hong Kong

China Is Making Support for Democracy a Crime in Hong Kong

By Frances Hui
Nearly all of the city's prominent pro-democracy voices have been arrested or forced into exile.

Hong Kong Police Arrest 53 Pro-Democrats on Subversion Charges

Hong Kong Police Arrest 53 Pro-Democrats on Subversion Charges

By Jessie Lau
The charges stem from a plan to win a majority in Hong Kong's legislature and use that power to veto the government's budget.
Reports: Dozens of Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Figures Arrested

Reports: Dozens of Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Figures Arrested

By Associated Press
Those arrested took part last year in an unofficial primary election that Beijing denounced as a "serious provocation."

The Struggle Over Jimmy Lai’s Bail Is a Struggle Over Hong Kong’s Freedom of Expression

The Struggle Over Jimmy Lai’s Bail Is a Struggle Over Hong Kong’s Freedom of Expression

By Jerome A. Cohen
Bail has become the most immediate arena in which the ongoing struggle between China’s Communist Party and Hong Kong’s judicial system is taking place.

Sentences for ‘Hong Kong 12’ Spark Outrage From Pro-Democrats

Sentences for ‘Hong Kong 12’ Spark Outrage From Pro-Democrats

By Jessie Lau
The case served as a flashpoint for Hong Kong's beleaguered pro-democracy movement.

The Hong Kong National Security Law Is Reshaping Political Identities 

The Hong Kong National Security Law Is Reshaping Political Identities 

By Simon Shen
The NSL has altered many long-standing allegiances and feuds within the different political identities in Hong Kong.
What Apple Daily Means for Hong Kong

What Apple Daily Means for Hong Kong

By Jessie Lau
The crackdown on Apple Daily and Jimmy Lai is the culmination of a decades-long saga that encapsulates the broader struggle for press freedom in Hong Kong.

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