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ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meet Under Shadow of Myanmar Crisis

ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meet Under Shadow of Myanmar Crisis

By Niniek Karmini
Indonesia is setting up an office of an ASEAN special envoy on Myanmar in Jakarta to spearhead how the bloc deals with the crisis.
The Long Political Afterlife of Megawati Sukarnoputri

The Long Political Afterlife of Megawati Sukarnoputri

By Johannes Nugroho
After battling years of political and sexist attacks, the 75-year-old is hoping to have a decisive impact at Indonesia's upcoming general election.

Indonesia to Send General on Special Mission to Myanmar, Jokowi Says

Indonesia to Send General on Special Mission to Myanmar, Jokowi Says

By Sebastian Strangio
In an interview this week, President Joko Widodo suggested that the unnamed general would highlight his own country's democratic transition since 1998.

Indonesian Steel Exports Have Plummeted Due to EU Tariffs, Official Says

Indonesian Steel Exports Have Plummeted Due to EU Tariffs, Official Says

By Sebastian Strangio
Last week, Jakarta filed a complaint with the WTO over the European bloc's recently imposed anti-subsidy and anti-dumping tariffs.

What Indonesia Can Learn From Cambodia Regarding the Myanmar Crisis

What Indonesia Can Learn From Cambodia Regarding the Myanmar Crisis

By Phanit Vun and Sokvy Rim
A resolution to the conflict is unlikely in 2023. Jakarta should therefore take a realistic and flexible approach.
Can Indonesia Achieve Its Electric Vehicle Ambitions?

Can Indonesia Achieve Its Electric Vehicle Ambitions?

By William Yuen Yee
If the government falls short of its ambitious EV adoption targets, it won't be for lack of effort.

Indonesia’s Vicious Cycle: Terrorist Convicts Making a Comeback?

Indonesia’s Vicious Cycle: Terrorist Convicts Making a Comeback?

By Andi Raihanah Ashar
Despite the government's deradicalization programs, a small but alarming number of terrorist convicts has reoffended after their release from prison.
Asia Travel Hotspots Quiet as Chinese Tourists Stay Away

Asia Travel Hotspots Quiet as Chinese Tourists Stay Away

By Tassanee Vejpongsa and Elaine Kurtenbach
Bali and Chiang Mai are the busiest they have been since the pandemic struck three years ago, but they're still relatively quiet.

Bali Welcomes Chinese Flight After Long COVID-19 Hiatus

Bali Welcomes Chinese Flight After Long COVID-19 Hiatus

By Sebastian Strangio
Indonesian authorities are hoping that the return of Chinese visitors will mark the beginning of the end for the island's long COVID-19 slump.

Indonesia’s Jokowi Registers All-Time High Approval Rating

Indonesia’s Jokowi Registers All-Time High Approval Rating

By Sebastian Strangio
With just a year until the end of his second and final term in office, Joko Widodo is more popular than ever.

Myanmar Junta Should Hand Power to ‘Qualified’ Leaders: Indonesian Minister

Myanmar Junta Should Hand Power to ‘Qualified’ Leaders: Indonesian Minister

By Sebastian Strangio
Indonesia's experience of democratization could offer a path forward for Myanmar – but only if the country's generals have the political will.
Indonesia’s ASEAN Chairmanship: Promoting ASEAN Relevance in 2023?

Indonesia’s ASEAN Chairmanship: Promoting ASEAN Relevance in 2023?

By Laura Southgate
The country takes up the bloc's rotating chairmanship at a time when its centrality and efficacy are being called into question.

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