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After 12 Years, Indonesia and Vietnam Agree on EEZ Boundaries

After 12 Years, Indonesia and Vietnam Agree on EEZ Boundaries

By Sebastian Strangio
The dispute had led to clashes over illegal fishing, and hamstrung the establishment of a united front against China's expansive claims in the South China Sea.
MSMEs: The Key to Indonesia’s Decarbonization Efforts

MSMEs: The Key to Indonesia’s Decarbonization Efforts

By Hasintya Saraswati
Without support for small businesses, the country will struggle to achieve its ambitious climate goals.

Indonesia to Ban Exports of Bauxite From June 2023

Indonesia to Ban Exports of Bauxite From June 2023

By Sebastian Strangio
The move follows a ban on exports of unprocessed nickel ore that came into effect at the start of 2020.

New Indonesian Military Chief Downplays Extent of Papua Conflict

New Indonesian Military Chief Downplays Extent of Papua Conflict

By Sebastian Strangio
The past few years have seen growing numbers of violent incidents in the eastern region, home to a long-running separatist insurgency.

Why Can’t a Nation of 276 Million People Field a Decent Soccer Team?

Why Can’t a Nation of 276 Million People Field a Decent Soccer Team?

By William Yuen Yee
Despite the Indonesian public's passion for the world game, the "Red and White" have consistently under-performed on the global stage.
They Survived A Devastating Earthquake. Now The Real Challenges Begin.

They Survived A Devastating Earthquake. Now The Real Challenges Begin.

By Aisyah Llewellyn
Indonesia's recent earthquake has faded from the headlines, but the challenges of reconstruction might last for years.

After the Astana Anyar Bombing: A Critical Overview of Indonesia’s CVE System

After the Astana Anyar Bombing: A Critical Overview of Indonesia’s CVE System

By Alif Satria
Indonesia’s post-arrest countering violent extremism programs are intended to help prevent recidivism. What are the system's current shortcomings?
Indonesian Security Forces Responsible for Dozens of Extrajudicial Killings, Rights Group Says

Indonesian Security Forces Responsible for Dozens of Extrajudicial Killings, Rights Group Says

By Sebastian Strangio
In its annual human rights report, the organization KontraS documented 72 cases of unlawful killings by police and military personnel.

Indonesia Summons UN Official Over Criticisms of Revised Criminal Code

Indonesia Summons UN Official Over Criticisms of Revised Criminal Code

By Sebastian Strangio
The move came amid a rash of bad international press about the legal changes, particularly a provision banning sex before marriage.

UN Says Indonesia’s Revised Penal Code to Have Sweeping Rights Impacts

UN Says Indonesia’s Revised Penal Code to Have Sweeping Rights Impacts

By Sebastian Strangio
The revised code passed by parliament last week is likely to radically reorient the relationship between rulers and ruled.

Indonesia Frees Convicted Bali Bomber on Parole

Indonesia Frees Convicted Bali Bomber on Parole

By Sebastian Strangio
Umar Patek has expressed regret for his role in the 2002 attacks, but his parole has been greeted with anger in Australia, which lost 88 citizens in the attack.
Indonesia’s Parliament Passes Repressive New Penal Code

Indonesia’s Parliament Passes Repressive New Penal Code

By Sebastian Strangio
The passage came as protests against the new code erupted across the archipelago.

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