
North Korea

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And You Think North Korea’s Crazy?

And You Think North Korea’s Crazy?

North Korea’s vow to launch a satellite next month has flummoxed some observers. But unless China steps in forcefully, everything will go according to Pyongyang’s plan.

How to Stop Kim’s "Satellite" Test

North Korea’s promise to launch a satellite has prompted international condemnation. But the U.S. and others have options available to stop it.

A North Korean Refugee Dilemma

A North Korean Refugee Dilemma

China says they are migrants, and the U.N. refers to them as detained. Either way, fleeing North Koreans could face forced labor or execution if sent back.

The Leap Day Deal’s Mixed Bag

The Leap Day Deal’s Mixed Bag

The deal reached this week between the U.S. and North Korea is a step forward. But North Korea is well aware of the power of its deterrent.

How Weibo “Killed” Kim Jong-un

How Weibo “Killed” Kim Jong-un

Rumors of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s death were premature. But why did China let such chatter take on a life of its own?

Time to End North Korea “Genocide”

Time to End North Korea “Genocide”

The evidence is clear – mass killing is underway in North Korea, argues Robert Park. The international community can no longer stand idly by.

Kim Jong-un’s Dangerous Brother

Kim Jong-un’s Dangerous Brother

Kim Jong-nam’s vocal criticism of his brother’s ascension to power in North Korea poses an early challenge to the new leader – and puts China in a tricky position.

What Not to Do About North Korea

What Not to Do About North Korea

Pretending nothing is wrong in North Korea is a mistake. But if great power conflict is to be avoided, there are a few things that the U.S., China and South Korea must not do.

New Year, New Kim, Same Policies

New Year, New Kim, Same Policies

Kim Jong-un is too weak to expect a shift in North Korean policy. The only question is whether 2012 will be a year of provocations.

Kim's Survivability Scorecard

Kim's Survivability Scorecard

The sudden death of Kim Jong-il came as quite a shock. Will Kim-Jong-un garner the same power his father did? Future events may provide clues to the coming North Korean succession.

Kim's Death Good for U.S. Military?

Kim's Death Good for U.S. Military?

The passing of Kim Jong-il could give the U.S. the excuse it needs to bolster its Pacific presence – without China objecting.

Time for Secret Talks with China

Time for Secret Talks with China

The risk of a dangerous misunderstanding following the death of Kim Jong-il is real. The U.S. should propose secret talks with Beijing on how to move forward.

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