North Korea
Moscow and Pyongyang: From Disdain to Partnership?
By Richard Weitz
Russian-North Korean relations have been on a roll during the past year, but may soon encounter roadblocks.
The North Korea Regime Change Debate
By Joseph A. Bosco
A call for a policy of North Korean regime change sparks debate.
2014: A Year in North Korean Security
By Francisco Galamas
A look at Pyongyang’s missile and nuclear programs over the past 12 months, and the region’s response.
The Strange Tale of Yeonmi Park
By Mary Ann Jolley
A high-profile North Korean defector has harrowing stories to tell. But are they true?
North Korea: Defectors and Their Skeptics
By John Power
Some skeptics are publicly doubting the horrific stories being told by North Korean defectors.
Japan and Its Neighbors: Shinzo Abe's Northeast Asia Diplomacy
By Shannon Tiezzi
A look at Japan's active foreign policy in Northeast Asia.
Kim Jong-un’s North Korea
By Daniel Mendez
Life under the youthful leader has been marked by only modest change.
Understanding North Korea's Behavior
By Yong Kwon
The Diplomat's Yong Kwon speaks to Steven Denney of SinoNK.
North Korea’s Asymmetric Submarine Doctrine
By Koh Swee Lean Collin
While North Korean submarines may be technologically dated, its access denial strategy can still be effective.
Missile Defense and the North Korean Nuclear Threat
By Stefan Soesanto
Trilateral missile defense could be a turning point in dealing with the North Korean nuclear threat.
The Ghosts of Korea’s Killers
By Philip Iglauer
Special forces have long played a deadly, but largely forgotten, role in the Korean conflict.
An End to the “Lost Decade” in Japan-North Korea Relations?
By Sebastian Maslow
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been taking steps to ease tensions between the two East Asian neighbors.