Saudi Arabia

This Week in Asia: July 21, 2023
The Diplomat’s weekly video round-up of Asia news.

China in Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations: Impact on Israel
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Mordechai Chaziza.

Why China Is Looking for a Bigger Role in the Middle East
By Mu Chunshan
China's brokering of the Iran-Saudi Arabia agreement advances several diplomatic priorities for Beijing.

What the Iran-Saudi Agreement Reveals About China’s Approach to Conflict Management
By Guy Burton
Beijing prefers to lead from behind, engaging in “quasi-mediation” on diplomatic processes that are already in motion.

Iran-Saudi Arabia Reconciliation Is an Opportunity for Pakistan
By Ureeda Khan
As Iran’s neighbor, Saudi Arabia’s partner, and China’s key ally, Pakistan will see major benefits from the recent diplomatic breakthrough.

The Broader Context Behind China’s Mediation Between Iran and Saudi Arabia
By Mehran Haghirian and Jacopo Scita
When it was clear that an agreement was possible to finalize the détente, China took the mantle of responsibility and the role of a direct mediator.

This Week in Asia: March 10, 2023
The Diplomat’s weekly video round-up of Asia news.

What’s Behind Pakistan Outreach to Saudi Arabia?
By Umair Jamal
Amid a serious regional churn, Islamabad may not be ready to jettison its long-time ally just yet.

Can China Replace Saudi Arabia for Pakistan?
By Ameena Tanvir
Islamabad needs both Riyadh and Beijing for its domestic as well as foreign imperatives.
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